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Reindeer Monologues

by Jeff Goode

copyright © 1994
The Eight is published by Samuel French.
Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1995 (Smith & Kraus)
Monologues from
The Eight are available through Performer Stuff

"When a doe says 'no', she means 'no'."

A dark, dark Christmas comedy. Scandal erupts at the North Pole when one of Santa's eight tiny reindeer accuses him of sexual harassment.

As mass media descends upon the event, the other members of the sleigh team demand to share their perspectives, and a horrific tale of corruption and perversion emerges, which seems to implicate everyone from the littlest elf to the tainted Saint himself.

With each deer's confession, the truth behind the shocking allegations becomes clearer and clearer. ...and murkier and murkier.

Cast Size: 8
Running Time: 80-90 minutes

The Critics agree...!!

  • New England Theatre Geek: "Jeff Goode can turn a tale (and a tail). Knowing that he wanted to attack some pretty weighty issues, he eases you in with light-hearted comedy. As the evening progresses, the monologues grow deeper, darker, and more unsettling. Using this masterwork of pacing, Goode then scaffolds a framework via his fantasy world in which he can discuss the serious stuff without beating you over the head with it."
"Picking the twelve plays of Christmas" [Examiner.com 12/12/13]



Published "Dancer" from The Eight can be found in: The Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1995 (a Smith and Kraus book)

PublishedDe acht: Monologen van Rendieren (Dutch) is published by Toneeluitgeverij Vink

De acht: Monologen van Rendieren (Dutch)

Die Acht: Rentier-Monologe (Deutsch)

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SCRIPT UPDATE! - these changes will be available for future productions

Christmas Plays by Jeff Goode

The Eight: Reindeer Monologues


The UnXmas Story


Christmas II


Marley’s Ghost


Seven Santas


Yes, Svetlana, There is a Grandfather Frost


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