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The Portrait of the Virgin Mary Feeding the Dinosaurs

by Jeff Goode

copyright © 1997
P.V.M. is published by Original Works.
Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1996 (Smith & Kraus)
Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1996 (Smith & Kraus)
Best Stage Scenes of 1996 (Smith & Kraus)

A visual, intellectual and emotional roller-coaster dealing with sexual, religious and artistic exploitation. A tour of the Louvre reveals the story of Leonardo DaVinci's sexual assault on the Mona Lisa leads the old master to envision an encounter between the Messiah's mom and the Elvis of dinosaurs. (Plus tap-dancing Jesus, cappucino-swilling tyrannosaurs ...and the the devil himself leads us into temptation.)
Cast Size: 10 - (6m, 2f, 2other), plus dancers
Running Time: full length play


Letters to Mary "You would benefit looking up the word 'Blasphemy'."

Letters to Mary "You... are... awesome."

Excerpts from The Portrait of the Virgin Mary Feeding the Dinosaurs are published in:

PublishedThe Best Stage Scenes of 1996 (Smith and Kraus)

PublishedThe Best Women's Stage Monologues of 1996 (Smith and Kraus)

PublishedThe Best Men's Stage Monologues of 1996 (Smith and Kraus)

Scenes from the play can also be found in the Reading Room

Portrait of the Virgin Mary Feeding the Dinosaurs ranked among the best-selling books on the Jeffnet through December 2009, when it was surpassed by Princess Gray and the Black & White Knights.
