Mount Vernon 2016

The Alcove Dinner Theater will present "Savin' Up For Saturday Night" every weekend in February. Cast members include, seated, from left, Ian Frasier Ernsberger and Courtney DeCosky; and standing, Aaron Moreland, Kelly Lauth-Yerxia, Jennifer Walters, Kate Ernsberger, Mark Fonghesier and Glenn Hissong.
The cast of "Savin' Up For Saturday Night" will perform a one-night show as a fundraiser for the state conference. Cast members include, on the floor, Ian Ernsberger; kneeling, from left, Aaron Moreland, Glenn Hissong, Andrew Duffy and Mark Fongheiser; and standing, Bruce Jacklin, Kate Ernsberger, Kelly Lauth, Courtney DeCosky, Jennifer Walters and Megan Evans.