
Amherst, New York
March 7, 2023
First Look Tuesdays
(new play reading series)

a new stage combat play by Jeff Goode

Tragic Trojan CASSANDRA is blessed with the gift of prophecy.
And cursed with the fact of nobody ever fucking listens to her!

But with doom of her City looming.
(And the predictable fates of her entire family. And herself.)
It's about time somebody took matters into her own hands.

a fight play for at least 5 women
and probably some men

first public reading

directed by Mike Doben


CASSANDRA ..... Madeline Allard-Dugan
HERA ..... Pandora Kew
APHRODITE ..... Alyssa Grace Adams
ATHENA ..... Colleen Pine
HECUBA ..... Kathleen Rooney
HELEN ..... Reagan Zuber
CRESSIDA / POLYXENA ..... Vanessa Shevat

APOLLO ..... Steven Maiseke
PARIS ..... Matthew Mogensen
HECTOR ..... Austin Gallego
TROILUS ..... Zachary Thomas
AGAMEMNON ..... Trevor Dugan
ACHILLES ..... Aaron Krygier
POLYDORU ..... Sean Taylor

Mike Doben (stage directions)
Shanda Gardner (combat narration)

Kayla Victoria Reumann (lights)

Show = "cassandra"; Title = "Cassandra Triumphant!"
Featuring = "[first reading]"
		Director = "Mike Doben"; Cast = "Madeline Allard-Dugan: Cassandra; Pandora Kew: Hera; Alyssa Grace Adams: Aphrodite; Colleen Pine: Athena; Kathleen Rooney: Hecuba; Reagan Zuber: Helen; Vanessa Shevat: Cressida/Polyxena; Steven Maiseke: Apollo; Matthew Mogensen: Paris; Austin Gallego: Hector; Zachary Thomas: Troilus; Trevor Dugan: Agamemnon; Aaron Krygier: Achilles; Sean Taylor: Polydorus; Mike Doben: Narrator; Shanda Gardner: Narrator"; Crew = "Bob Rusch: producer; Kayla Victoria Reumann: lights"
Link = "plays/pncassandra23.htm#Buffalo"
Theatre = "First Look Buffalo Theatre Company"
City = "Buffalo"; State = "NY"
YearOpen = "2023"; MonthOpen = "Mar"; DayOpen = "7"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""