[] [Production History]

Redfern, New South Wales
November 9-18, 2018

11 Cope St
Redfern, NSW 2016

November 11 facebook post (note that they call it an "in house" production):
(and a reply to the following post implies that the production is still in the future:)
Some shots from our in house show of The Eight Reindeer Monologues! Very relevant with all that’s going on in the world today!!
(So the performance was some time between Nov 11 and Nov 18.)
Joseph Frangie's Facebook page has this post from November 15 - so at least 3 perfs Nov 16-18:

Tickets for the 4pm show tomorrow are going for only $10 if you wanted to check out the play I'm in!
Otherwise there's still Saturday night.
Sunday sold out!

Just found a Nov 8 posting from Joseph Frangie's Facebook:
What's up peeps, I'm in this play showing over the next two weekends if any of you wanna check it out. <3
Meetup invitation for an extra ticket to an 8pm performance on Sunday Nov 18

When a doe says no, it means no.

Dasher, Cupid, Hollywood, Blitzen, Comet, Dancer, Donner and Vixen react to charges of sexual harassment levied against Santa in this smart and scandalous holiday show by Jeff Goode.

The Eight Reindeer Monologues is a fun and unique alternative to the normal holiday offerings.

You are invited to our private production of the 8 Reindeer Monologues, directed by Travis McMahon

Redfern Acting Studio
11 Cope St, Redfern, NSW 2016

directed by Travis McMahon

DASHER ... Joseph Frangie
CUPID ... Evean Piefke
HOLLYWOOD ... Liam Walker
BLITZEN ... Rachel Slee
COMET ... Dominic Di Paulo
DANCER ... Helen Shoobert
DONNA ... Kat London
VIXEN ... Marcia Lemm

SELF: Okay, so Travis McMahon also directed a 2016 production at NYFilm Studio sydney which was also not documented, HOWEVER, that group did do an LA show case in 2017 for which they DID pay royalties. So maybe the Australia royalties are just not referenced since they are sub-contracted through a non-SF licensing agent.

UPDATE: from Samuel French statement 8/31/19:
Redfern production IS listed as being booked through Origin Theatricals
First performance 11/9/2018
royalty amount (485.64 after conversion to USD) is for at least 4 performances (at the new $100+ rate). But probably no more than 6 (at the old rate of $75.)

Bearing in mind that the info reported to Samuel French can sometimes include errors and later changes... My best guest is that...
This was 2 weekends and opened Nov 9
closing date of Sunday Nov 18 seems correct.
There was at least one 4PM matinee, but I'm not sure if that means to shows in one day, or just a very irregular schedule.
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Redfern"
Theatre = "Redfern Acting Studio"
City = "Redfern"; State = "New South Wales, AUSTRALIA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "9"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "18"

SOURCE: https://www.sydneyartsguide.com.au/the-eight-reindeer-monologues-ras/#more-57788


Texas Thespian Festival 2018
Black Box Play Marathon
Gaylord Texan Resort
(Grapevine Ballroom)
1501 Gaylord Trail
Gaylord, TX 76051
Thursday, November 15th @ 1:00 p.m.

Thespian Fundraiser
campus performance

KF Black Box Theatre (Formally, Room 506)
11400 Misty Valley Dr.
Klein, Texas 77066
Wednesday, December 12th

directed by Fernando Albarran

Dasher ... Taj Destouche
Cupid ... Jordan Murrell
Hollywood ... Jay Prieto
Blitzen ... Rachel Segura
Comet ... Miguel Zacarias
Dancer ... Kelsey Romero
Donner ... Korin East
Vixen ... Armida Montemayor

Stage Manager ... Angel Penaloza
Assistant Stage Manager ... Byanka Hernandez
Set/Sound Designer ... Walter Baker
Projections ... Ashley Cooper
Lighting Designer ... Isaiah Hendricks
Costume Designer ... Fernando Albarran & Cast

Directed by: Fernando Albarran
Performance: November 15, 2018 (Thespian Fest. Cast) December 12, 2018 (Campus Cast)
Location: KF Black Box Theatre (Formally, Room 506)
Tickets: Pay what you can Thespian Fundraiser
Synopsis: Eight reindeer dishing about the real Santa. All those rumors you’ve heard about him and the elves? About Rudolph’s little secret? About Vixen’s story that was leaked to the press? All true. Yes, the reindeer finally speak up and – believe us – they do not hold back!

Hello, I received an amateur request to cut THE EIGHT: REINDEER MONOLOGUES to 45 minutes for the Texas Thespian Festival. Klein Forest High School Drama - Grapevine, TX 76051 Texas Thespian Festival 3 performance(s) Nov 23, 2018 – Nov 24, 2018 100 seats USD 0 to USD 10
NOTE: this was a performance of the entire play, edited for language. (see email from SF 9/11/18)
NOTE: the performance dates given to SFrench appear to be tentative as later publicity gives difft dates for the Thespian festival and for an on-campus performance in December
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Grapevine"
Theatre = "Texas Thespian Festival"
City = "Grapevine"; State = "TX"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "15"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Klein"
Theatre = "Klein Forest High School"
City = "Grapevine"; State = "TX"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "12"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

SOURCE: SF website


Holbrook, Massachusetts
November 23-25, 2018
The Connection Cafe
40 Union Street
Holbrook, MA 02343
Friday @ 7:30 PM
Saturday @ 7:30 PM
Sunday @ 3:00 PM

This XXXmas offering is a hilarious take on the reindeer who power the sleigh that bring toys to all the good boys and girls.

WARNING!! This show contains FOUL-MOUTHED REINDEER and very inappropriate ADULT HUMOR! Definitely not for kids or anyone who doesn’t want to see the dark side of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the North Pole! Tickets are $20 General Admission and $18 for Senior Citizens, and will be sold in advance and at the doors. For advance ticket reservations, please email tickets@southshoretheatreworks.com

Cash bar, dinner, and apps will be available for purchase before and during the show! Come share in some of the darker side of holiday cheer in this raucous and raunchy production!

Directed by Richard Bento

DASHER ~ Paul Wybieracki
CUPID ~ John Keets
HOLLYWOOD ~ Martine Assaf
BLITZEN~ Hannah Ford
COMET ~ Kelly Lane
DANCER ~ Tyler Cavanagh
DONNER ~ Richard Bento
VIXEN ~ Paulie Devlin

Oct 4
SSTW Auditions for The Eight: Reindeer Monologues

If you are looking to be involved with an ultimate sassy smart ass holiday production for adults then this is the audition for you.

South Shore Theatre Works proudly presents auditions for
Jeff Goode's The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
Directed by Richard Bento

This XXXmas offering is a hilarious take on the reindeer who power the sleigh that bring toys to all the good boys and girls. Roles call for 8 actors (gender/race friendly for any role) Each reindeer has a 10 minute monologue. Blocking is minimal as are rehearsals.
WARNING!! This show contains FOUL-MOUTHED REINDEER and very inappropriate ADULT HUMOR! Definitely no kids or anyone who doesn’t want to see the dark side of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the North Pole!

Thursday, October 4th at 7:00pm
SSTW Space
27 Maple Ave,
Holbrook Ma 02343

Performances are Thanksgiving Weekend-
Friday, November 23 at 7:30pm,
Saturday, November 24th 7:30;
Sunday, November 25th 3pm

This is a one act play running approximately 85 minutes. Actors should prepare a 2 minute comedic monologue; some readings from the script will occur.

DASHER - First Reindeer and leader of the pack each Christmas run. refuses to speak on the scandal.
CUPID - The only openly gay Reindeer, and extremely proud of it.
HOLLYWOOD - Also known as Prancer, their personality has changed some since the release of their movie and the launch of their acting career.
BLITZEN- Vixen's chief supporter during the scandal and leader of the walk-out against Santa.
COMET- A reformed convict, saved from a life of drugs and crime by the Claus family, they're Santa's biggest advocate and supporter.
DANCER- Former ballet professional who joined The Eight not long after their studio was burned in protest of Reindeer dancers.
DONNER- parent of Rudolph and unemployed herd deer, they were placed on The Eight by Santa after the infamous "Foggy Christmas" incident.
VIXEN- Attempting to press charges against Santa for sexual assault. Has been bombarded and confronted from all angles in the court of public opinion.

NOTES from author Jeff Goode state that "THE EIGHT: REINDEER MONOLOGUES is a wickedly dark....dark comedy that gives you a glimpse into what happens when an institution of joy comes crashing down. Eight reindeer dish about the real Santa. All those rumors you've heard about him and the elves? About Rudolph's little secret? About Vixen's story that was leaked to the press? All true. Yes, the reindeer finally speak up and - believe us - they do not hold back!"

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Holbrook"
Theatre = "South Shore Theatre Works"
City = "Holbrook"; State = "MA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "23"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "25"

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/events/229919894547891/ PHOTO: https://www.facebook.com/sstwma/photos/pb.199250983792929.-2207520000.1544073535./709775712740451/?type=3&theater


Sindelfingen, Germany
November 23 - December 1, 2018
Saal der VHS im Stiftsgymnasium
Böblinger Straße 24

23 November - Freitag @ 8:00 p.m.

24 November - Samstag @ 8:00 p.m.

30. November - Freitag @ 8:00 p.m.

01. Dezember - Samstag @ 8:00 p.m.

Hi Jeff, I've just heard that the new German production of Die 8 will be this year (2018) and not this past winter, as I was led to believe. Will keep you posted! Best wishes and happy new year, Katreen

found these links: https://www.bbheute.de/nachrichten/tummelplatz-fuer-theater-nachwuchs-3-3-2018/

"The stage of dreams has aroused dreams." Biennale project manager Markus Nau says in reference to the Biennale musical 2017. The dreams even resulted in a real birth. The musical team has formed a new ensemble, the "Junge Bühne". The troupe presents itself for the first time on 29 June in the Theaterkeller with a musical production.

When, after ten performances, the curtain fell for the very last time for the youth pop musical "Stage of Dreams" in the Klosterseehalle in mid-July 2017, all of the approximately 60 participants were flattened. But after less than a week, the musical actors director Siegfried Barth already pressed with the question: What now? "The motivation was to continue this," says Barth to the desires that had been awakened by the elaborate youth musical production.

For him, Ingo Sika and other Biennale Strippenzieher had been clear: The offspring, which had been won by the musical for the local cultural scene, wanted to keep that. "I think it is extremely important to develop visions of how to proceed. At some point, people will need followers, "says Ingo Sika, not only with regard to future biennials, but the local culture as a whole.

However, if you want to prevent the offspring from disappearing into the world after finishing school and say goodbye to Sindelfingen, you have to offer something to the youth here. This binding force is now to produce the "young stage", the term "ensemble" is actually too narrow. The "Young Stage" should also be an activity field for the young, who wants to try to direct, for stage design, music, video or technology interested, actually all areas that are to cover the genre speech and music theater, explain Ingo Sika and Siegfried Barth.

The "Young Stage" is anchored in very young and long-established cultural structures in Sindelfingen. Officially, it operates as a division of the Association Biennale Co., explains the club chairman Marc Hugger. The association is responsible for biennial communication and marketing of the cultural festival. Siegfried Barth will use part of his working time as a city media and culture officer for the "Junge Bühne", explains SMTT boss Markus Nau. The SMTT, in turn, cooperates with the "Young Stage", as the new SMTT theater teachers Anna-Lena Just and Michael Schneider support the "Junge Bühne" as coaches.

Last but not least, the Cultural Office has pushed the "Young Stage" vigorously: the annual urban theater production takes over in 2018 the "Young Stage" with the musical "Next to Normal" with twelve performances in the theater cellar. With Katrin von Hochmeister, Christian Fenske, Nils Weber, Vivianne Küting, Florian Penkwitt and Stefan Sieber, all actors except Janne Rochowicz are former actors of "Stage of Dreams". The premiere is on June 29, and the last of twelve performances will be on July 21, directed by Ingo Sika. The seven-piece band is led by Jonas Stephan.

"What sets us apart explicitly from the existing theater ensembles is that we do not just appeal to actors," says Ingo Sika on the concept of the "boys' stage", which wants to be active both in the field of speech and music theater in future and beyond pure stage activity Interested to address. At the end of the year, Ingo Sika is already watching the performance of the eight reindeer monologues by Jeff Goode. In which should direct young at each try a monologue. Siegfried Barth will support the "Young Stage" for his student theater workshop at the end of the big holidays in the SMTT.

Even though the Biennale may be considered the birthplace of the "Junge Bühne" and participation in the Kulturfestival, Markus Nau makes it very clear: The "Junge Bühne" is not a festival formation founded to record or present any future biennial to break. "We are not building a biennial ensemble," says Nau. The Biennale Board of Trustees, which held its first non-public meeting on February 22, will not give any guidance. In addition, no musical was set for future biennials, but provided for a change of business. No "Erbhof" will be set up with the "boys stage", adds Ingo Sika, himself a member of the Biennale Board of Trustees.


November 2018 – „Die Acht – Die Rentiermonologe“ von Jeff Goode Das etwas andere Weihnachtsstück. Hast du keine Lust auf Weihnachtslieder und Christstollen, dann ist das genau das richtige Theaterstück! Acht Rentiere sprechen über Ihren Chef: Santa Clause. Stimmen die Gerüchte über Ihn und seine Elfen? Was ist mit Rudolphs kleinem Geheimnis? Was ist dran an Vixens Geschichte, die an die Presse durchsickerte? Ja, die Rentiere packen aus…und glaubt mir…sie halten sich nicht zurück. Ein Weihnachtsstück für Erwachsene! Inszeniert von Nachwuchsregisseuren der „Jungen Bühne Sindelfingen“ unter der Leitung von Ingo Sika.

Die Junge Bühne Sindelfingen präsentiert ihre zweite Produktion: In "Die Acht: Rentiermonologe" erzählen Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner und Blitzen ihre Geschichte - besser gesagt ihre Version davon, was am Nordpol passiert ist.

Ein Skandal sickerte an die Presse durch und die acht Rentiere vom Weihnachtsmann müssen Stellung beziehen. Auf abwechselnd unterhaltsame oder ernsthafte, stellenweise auch durchaus provokante Weise schildern sie, was sie dazu zu sagen haben.

Ist der Weihnachtsmann wirklich so ein guter Mann, wie er die Welt glauben macht? Was ist dran an den Gerüchten über Rudolph - und Vixen?

Findet es heraus bei der dritten Aufführung von "Die Acht: Rentiermonologe" am 30. November im Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen!

Es spielen: Leonard Hartenstein, Nils Weber, Dani Fix, Cristiana Anghel, Philipp Maurer, Miriam Kößler, Janne Rochowicz und Maike Meyer

Regie: Ferdi Stöckel, Maike Meyer, Ingo Sika, Nils Weber, Dani Fix, Nina Schellwies, Leonie Rothacker und Katrin von Hochmeister

Hinweis: Nicht für Kinder geeignet

Show = "8rm_german 8rm"; Title = "Die Acht: Rentier-Monologe"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Sindelfingen"
Theatre = "Junge Bühne Sindelfingen"
City = "Sindelfingen"; State = "GERMANY"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "23"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "1"



Alexandria, Minnesota
November 23 - December 21, 2018
November 23 & 24 (Thanksgiving weekend)
Friday & Saturday @ 7:30 p.m.

2214 Geneva Road NE
Alexandria, MN 56308

December 18
Tuesday @ 7:30 p.m.
Corral Saloon & Eatery
117 Nelson St N
Nelson, MN 56355

December 21
Friday @ 9:00 p.m.
American Tap & Eatery
520 Sinclair Lewis Ave.
Sauk Centre, Minnesota 56378

How could he?!?! How could she?! Come join us and kick off the holiday season in a not so festive way with this dark comedy that will definitely have us receiving coal this year. The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. Thanksgiving weekend will never be the same…

Dasher- Quincy Roers
Cupid- Jon Provance
Hollywood- Joe Johnson
Blitzen- Katie Satterlie
Comet- Randy Martin
Dancer- Anna Johnson
Donner- Andrew Benson

For those that didn't get a chance to come over and see The Eight: Reindeer Monologues this past weekend, don't worry. You get two more chances. We are pleased to announce that we are partnering with two local establishments to provide two more days of mayhem this holiday season. Tuesday December 18 at 7:30pm we will be performing at The Corral in Nelson MN. Tickets for this show will now be available at the restaurant or at the door the day of (provided it doesn't sell out.) $10 Friday December 21 from 9pm-midnight we will be flying in to American Tap and Eatery in Sauk Centre MN. Message me here on Fire Pit Productions for tickets. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Come check out the show that is getting all the buzz. The Eight Reindeer take flight and land Dec 18 at The Corral in Nelson. Showtime is 7:30. Tickets available ahead of time at the restaurant or at the door the day of. $10

Next stop on our run is Dec 21 at American Tap and Eatery in Sauk Centre. This show will run 9pm- midnight. Well worth the drive to come see this tabloid tell all that has the North Pole in a frenzy. Message us on Facebook for advanced tickets. $10 advanced, $12 at the door.

Fire Pit Productions presents:

Adult Comedy Comes to Sauk Centre! Join us for some Laughs, some gasps, and some entertainment unlike anything you'll see this holiday season.

Make plans to be here on Friday December 21'st from 9pm-12am. Make it a date night with Dinner for 2 for $30 dollars!

Dinner for two is an Appetizer, a choice of entree and a dessert and will need to be pre registered for by messaging American Tap Via Facebook or Emailing for registration to Tony.Jensen@gr8atate.com.

Come one, Come all for this awesome comedy event!

Contact Tony Jensen or Quincy Roers for Presale Tickets, or Buy them @ American Tap & Eatery

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Alexandria"
Theatre = "Fire Pit Productions"
City = "Alexandria"; State = "MN"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "23"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "24"

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Nelson"
Theatre = "Fire Pit Productions"
City = "Nelson"; State = "MN"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "18"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#SaukCentre"
Theatre = "Fire Pit Productions"
City = "Sauk Centre"; State = "MN"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "21"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

SOURCE: https://www.gr8-ate.com/fullscreen-page/comp-jore78lu/2df9b2f6-f474-429c-a1bd-77e84fcb4cf8/0/%3Fi%3D0%26p%3Dc1dmp%26s%3Dstyle-jore78ty


Jefferson City, Missouri
November 29, 30 & December 1, 2018

623 Ohio Street
(Just off MO Blvd. Behind Robo Car Wash)
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Thursday, Nov 29 @ 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov 30 @ 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, Dec 1 @ 7:30 p.m.

Is it back by popular demand or just back because we can? Well, you come and see for yourself and then you decide! The third time's the charm..its got humor, antlers and a bad Santa! Or is it a naughty Vixen? Either way the reindeer are split! You don't want to miss these eight fabulous performances: Tom Renner, Tony Hoos, Megan Sappington, Dan Zaiger, Jessi Green, Barry Beach, Natalie Wittenberger and Alex Hoos. Reserve seats today!!!
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#JeffersonCity"
Theatre = "Scene One Theatre"
City = "Jefferson City"; State = "MO"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "29"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "1"



Kettering, Northamptonshire, England
December 3-8, 2018

27a Victoria St
Kettering UK
Monday through Saturday @ 7:30 p.m.

Looking for something different this Christmas? Tired of ‘Pantomimes’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’? Well, this is the play for you! Eight reindeer dish the dirt on the real Santa. All those rumours you’ve heard about him and the elves. About Rudolph’s little secret and Vixen’s story that was leaked to the press, all true. Yes, the reindeer finally speak up and they do not hold back! This play is not recommended for younger audiences. Adults only for this one!

Directed by Mark Walker
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Kettering"
Theatre = "Bonkers Playhouse"
City = "Kettering"; State = "Northamptonshire, ENGLAND"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "3"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "8"



Edwardsville, Illinois
December 5, 2018

(Metcalf Student Experimental Theater)
Wednesday @ 7:30 p.m. - one night only!

Hello, dears! Come see The Eight: Reindeer Monologues tonight only at 7:30pm in the Metcalf. It’s pay-what-you-can!

Michael Angelo (Watkins), Joe Simpson, Jared Lauritson, Montana Hughey Takacs, Tom Kessinger, Hannah Warntjes, Oliver Bacus, and Kayla Bush

Tucker Greer, Luis Castro (Aguilar), Joe File, Leah Benyo, Tim Smith, Meagan Leanne Woodruff, Michael Ezell, and Jenna Heng

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Edwardsville"
Theatre = "Southern Illinois University Edwardsville / SETO"
City = "Edwardsville"; State = "IL"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "5"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""



New York, New York
December 5-9, 2018

314 W. 54th Street
New York, NY 10019
Wednesday through Sunday @ 8:00 p.m.

Production company, This Jew is for You, will mount Jeff Goode's The Eight: Reindeer Monologues, a dark comedy about Santa's eight reindeer holding NOTHING back about their holly jolly master and his "holly jolly elf!" All those rumors you've heard about him and the elves? About Rudolph's little secret? About Vixen's story that was leaked to the press? ALL TRUE!!!Yes the reindeer finally speak out! Come hear them! #DeerToo!

Produced by: Matt Sternberg

Directed by: Veronika Crowe

Featuring: Jennifer Jean Anderson (as Blitzen), Ricky Dunlop (as Comet) (both appearing courtesy of Actors' Equity) as well as Bec Fordyce (as Vixen), Elizabeth Foster (as Dancer), Kevin Hughes (as Cupid), Jake McKenna (as Prancer a.k.a "Hollywood"), Matt Sternberg (as Dasher), and David Tomassi (as Donner)

SF info:
Property title(s): The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
Producing Organization: This Poo is for you Productions
Venue: The American Theater of Actors Inc
Licensee Contact: Matthew Sternberg

Amerian Theatre of Actors
Matt Sternberg
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#NewYork1"
Theatre = "American Theatre of Actors"
City = "New York"; State = "NY"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "5"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "9"

SOURCE: email from SF 9/12/18


North Conway, New Hampshire
December 6-16, 2018

1857 White Mountain Highway
North Conway, NH 03860
Thursdays through Saturdays @ 7:30 p.m.
Sundays @ 4:00 p.m.

Sponsored by Dean DeMaster and Marjory Taylor
Scandal erupts at the North Pole when one of Santa’s eight tiny reindeer accuses him of sexual harassment. As mass media descends upon the event, the other members of the sleigh team demand to share their perspectives, and a horrific tale of corruption and perversion emerges, which seems to implicate everyone from the littlest elf to the tainted Saint himself. With each deer’s confession, the truth behind the shocking allegations becomes clearer and clearer... and murkier and murkier.
M&D Playhouse announces 2018 season

CONWAY — With the aid of its generous sponsors, M&D Playhouse is excited to announce its 2018 mainstage season of 11 shows.

The season will be comprised of: “The Woolgatherer” by William Mastrosimone (Jan. 18-28); “Be My Baby” by Ken Ludwig (Feb. 15-25); “The Lion King Jr.” with music and lyrics by Tim Rice and Elton John (March 22-April 1), a Theatre Arts Studio production; “The Pillowman” by Martin McDonagh (April 19-29); “The Tin Woman” by Sean Grennan (May 17-27); “Sweeney Todd” with book by Hugh Wheeler and music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim (June 21-July 7); “August Osage County” by Tracy Letts (Aug. 2-18); “Things My Mother Taught Me” by Katherine DeSavino (Sept. 13-23); “Killer Joe” by Tracy Letts (Oct. 11-21); “The Little Mermaid Jr.” with lyrics by Howard Ashman and Glenn Slater and music by Alan Menken (November 8-18), a Theatre Arts Studio production; and “The Eight: Reindeer Monologues” by Jeff Goode (Dec. 6-16).

Shows will run for two weeks with Thursday through Saturday performances at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday matinees at 4 p.m. at 1857 White Mountain Highway in North Conway. “Sweeney Todd” and “August: Osage County” will run for three consecutive weeks, Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday matinees at 4 p.m.

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#NorthConway"
Theatre = "M & D Playhouse"
City = "North Conway"; State = "NH"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "6"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "16"

SOURCE: https://www.conwaydailysun.com/things_to_do/theater_dance/m-d-playhouse-announces-season/article_db6a6a84-f703-11e7-94f3-2b521cd6436b.html#// **NOTE: the Sam French production page lists the Producer as "Your Theatre"


Alton, Illinois
December 7, 2018

1320 Milton Road
Alton, IL 62002
(3rd floor above Mavea's at the Old Milton Schoolhouse.)

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Alton"
Theatre = "Rogue Theatre Company"
City = "Alton"; State = "IL"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "7"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

SOURCE: SF website


Nambour, Queensland, Australia
December 8, 2018

(Black Box Theatre)
80 Howard Street, Nambour, Queensland 4560
Saturday @ 2:00 & 7:30 p.m.

Christmas is nearly here... but things are not what they should be amongst the team that pulls Santa's sleigh. The rumour mill is in overdrive. Most agree Santa is no saint, but this time it seems he's gone too far. Something has happened with Vixen, and everyone has an opinion. What happens when the world's most untouchable man is accused and exposed? Where do alliances stand and fall? In the age of #MeToo Jeff Goode's The Eight: Reindeer Monologues has never been more relevant or important.

Cast: Zac Boulton, Patrick Cowley, Ebony Hamacek, Calum Johnston, Jackson O’Sullivan, Izzie Radley, Lele Te’o and Nathan Wilson
Directed By: Anita Sweeney and Jackson O’Sullivan Dates: Performances at 2.00pm and 7.30pm Saturday 8 December
Tickets: Adult $30; Concession $25; Recommended 15+ (adult themes)
Bookings: http://www.trybooking.com/ZADP, http://www.firelighttheatre.com.au, or cash at the door
Venue: The Black Box Theatre, The Old Ambulance Station, 80 Howard Street, Nambour
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Nambour"
Theatre = "Firelight Theatre"
City = "Nambour"; State = "Queensland, AUSTRALIA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "8"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""

SOURCE: SF website now playing (circa September 2018) 12/8/18 - Nambour


Jersey City, New Jersey
December 8th & 9th, 2018
Our Space
61 Charles
Jersey City, NJ 07307

Tired of Christmas Carol and Nutcracker? Here’s a holiday play for those who like their comedy like they like their Christmas chocolate - DARK. Scandal erupts at the North Pole when one of Santa's eight tiny reindeer accuses him of sexual assault. the Eight have had it up to here with the gossip and rumors about vixen's accusations. Several of the Eight have been struggling with substance abuse problems and things like this don't help. So someone suggested a meeting. On their annual pre-Christmas escape to Jersey City the Eight are holding a special Open 12-Step Meeting so you can hear their opinions straight from them hopefully allowing those who find it necessary to concentrate on whats important, their sobriety! Featuring Ginger Kipps, Christo Pratt, Vinnie Costa, Amy Fulgham, Joe Bowen, Sarah Teed, Anthony Wills Jr. and more!!

The Eight: Reindeer Monologues
by Jeff Goode
directed by Anthony Wills Jr
dedicated to the memory of
Trent Armand Kendall

Ginger Kipps
Vinnie Costa
Sarah Teed
Christopher Gust
Christo Pratt
Amy Fulgham
Joe Bowen
Anthony Wills Jr.

Oct 6, 2018
Auditions: The Eight Reindeer Monologues and other projects.

Holding auditions for the rest of our season including the eight reindeer Monologues, a dark comedy with adult themes, a one woman play, David a devised performance created by the ensemble inspired by the name David; also looking for non performing artists and volunteers with various skills for all production. Non union taking place at Our Space in jersey city NJ. Artistic Pride Productions is proud to invite non traditional performers and those who might have scheduling, physical or mental obstacles that may prevent them from doing traditional theater. If you have a sincere interest in being a part of our collective we will find a place for you!! Auditions are 5th AND 6th

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#JerseyCity"
Theatre = "Artistic Pride Productions"
City = "Jersey City"; State = "NJ"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "8"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "9"

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/events/715590652141300/ https://www.facebook.com/events/693214187731143/ https://m.bpt.me/event/3194542


North Hollywood, California
December 8-23, 2018

11031 Camarillo Street
North Hollywood, CA 91602
Thursdays @ 8:00 p.m.
Fridays @ 11:00 p.m.
Saturdays @ 11:00 p.m.
Sundays @ 7:00 p.m.

according to SF Nov 30 - Dec 30
according to this site: https://nohoartsdistrict.com/theatre/crown-city-theatre-company/1181-the-eight-reindeer-monologues Dec 6-23 Thursdays at 8 pm, Fridays at 11 pm, Saturdays at 11 pm, Sundays at 7 pm

Grigware Reviews: RECOMMENDED
Stage Scene LA: WOW

Make no mistake about it, these reindeer games from Crown City Theatre Company are definitely for adults only. This dark-as-coal Christmas comedy finds the North Pole a hotbed of scandal after one of Santa's eight tiny reindeer accuses him of jolly old sexual harassment. As the media catches the scent of scandal and invades Santa's innermost sanctuary, the rest of the reindeer chime in with their own perspectives. The result is a heinous, hilarious -- and timely -- tale of perversion and corruption, entangling everyone from the littlest elf in the workshop to Saint Nick himself in a sordid web of lust, lies and legends.

directed by Bill Reilly

Dasher: Neil Unger
Cupid: Michael Mullen
Hollywood: Michael Marchak
Blitzen: Kimberly Patterson
Comet: Eric Keitel
Dancer: Valerie Lynn Brett
Donner: Jeff Witzke
Vixen: Megan Cochrane

Zad Potter - stage manager / lighting design
Michael Mullen - costume design
Joe Shea - sound design
Mike Mullen & Bill Reilly - producers

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#NorthHollywood"
Theatre = "Crown City Theatre Company"
City = "North Hollywood"; State = "CA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "8"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "23"

SOURCE: notes - SF website listed Oh My Ribs Theatre and Mmmkay Productions as producer and/or venue. Per Michael Mullen this is old information from the previous Mmmkay show because he used his existing account with SF to acuire the rights for the Crown City production.


Merced, California
December 11-13, 2018

645 W. Main St.
Merced, CA 95340

Rated M for mature.
Scandal erupts at the North Pole when one of Santa's eight tiny reindeer accuses him of sexual harassment. As mass media descends upon the event, the other members of the sleigh team demand to share their perspectives, and a horrific tale of corruption and perversion emerges, which seems to implicate everyone from the littlest elf to the tainted Saint himself.

With each deer's confession, the truth behind the shocking allegations becomes clearer and clearer. ...and murkier and murkier.

Join us for this alternative Christmas show that is incredibly topical and will send you home talking about it.

$15 adults
$10 student
Tickets are sold at the door of the MAC on the dates of the performance.

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Merced"
Theatre = "Phoenix Creative Collective"
City = "Merced"; State = "CA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "11"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "13"

SOURCE: SF website


Vienna, Austria
December 12, 18 & 20, 2018

Hamburgerstraße 14
1050 Wien, Austria

Austrian premiere of "The Eight: Reindeer Monologues" by Jeff Goode Playing December 12th, 18th and 20th at 7:30 pm at Spektakel Wien (Hamburgerstrasse 14, 1050).

A wickedly dark....dark comedy that gives you a glimpse into what happens when an institution of joy comes crashing down. Eight reindeer dish about the real Santa. All those rumors you've heard about him and the elves? About Rudolph's little secret? About Vixen's story that was leaked to the press? All true. Yes, the reindeer finally speak up and - believe us - they do not hold back!

directed by Robert G. Neumayr
Dasher - Dave Moskin
Cupid - Robert Chionis
Hollywood - Thomas Crawley
Blitzen - Suzanne Carey
Comet - Richard Youman
Dancer - Alix Martin
Donner - Owen Lindsay
Vixen - Verena Müller
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Vienna"
Theatre = "Thiasus Productions"
City = "Vienna"; State = "AUSTRIA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "12"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "20"

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1776624562466337/ https://www.mandy.com/uk/actor/owen-lindsay


New York, New York
December 12, 2018 - January 3, 2019

308 West 46th Street
New York, NY 10036
Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m
Thursdays @ 7:00 p.m.

The Drama Club NYC and Sara Laursen

THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues

directed by Andrew Benevenuti

starring: Josh Bowen, Sarah Spring, Jason Garton, Sara Laursen, Cameron A. Tubbs, Rasik Ohal, Jason Michael Dick, Molly Megan Maynard

Santa's coming... "You'd better watch out"! Scandal at the North Pole! accusations, rumors, and all-out attacks are (still) flying fast and furious around the toy shop. Santa himself has been accused of sexual misconduct, and those that know him best have been interviewed to give their account of events. Hear about what happened directly from the horse's - or rather, Reindeers mouth! To put it mildly, the production is a stark alternative to A Christmas Carol and The Nutcracker. It offers up hilarious commentary on workplace harassment, gender politics, and the magic of Christmas. WARNING!! This show contains alarming content (though we won't ruin any surprises by giving away the specifics). FOUL-MOUTHED REINDEER and VERY inappropriate ADULT HUMOR! Definitely no kids or anyone who doesn't want to see the dark side of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and the North Pole!
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#NewYork2"
Theatre = "Drama Club NYC"
City = "New York"; State = "NY"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "12"; MonthClose = "Jan"; DayClose = "3"



Columbus, Ohio
December 13-23, 2018

566 W Rich Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Nominated for 2 Theatre Roundtable Awards

directed by Mike Writtenberry
Auditions for THE EIGHT: REINDEER MONOLOGUES by Jeff Goode are Saturday, Sept 15 from noon – 3 PM. Auditions for this 5m, 3w cast will consist of readings from the script. Prepared monologues are encouraged but not required. All positions paid; non-union. In this biting social commentary, Goode uses the theme of the North Pole to expose the predatory practices of men in power who sexually exploit women and children. The audition and performances will be held at The Franklinton Playhouse, 566 W Rich Street, 43215. The show runs December 13 – 23, 2018 (Thursday – Saturday evenings at 8:00 PM; Sundays at 2:00 PM). Please contact Red Herring Productions with any questions at barb.redherringprod@gmail.com.
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Columbus"
Theatre = "Red Herring Productions"
City = "Columbus"; State = "OH"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "13"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "23"

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1599721330335013/


Long Beach, California
December 15 & 16, 2018

@ Expo Arts Center
4321 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807
Saturday @ 8:00 p.m.
Sunday @ 6:00 p.m.

directed by Richard Martinez
Held2gether – Long Beach, CA 90807 2 performances 12/15/18 – 12/16/18 75 Seat House $10 - $15 Admission
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#LongBeach"
Theatre = "Held2gether"
City = "Long Beach"; State = "CA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "15"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "16"

SOURCE: email from SF 5/7/18


Glasgow, Scotland
December 19 & 20, 2018
The Bungo
17 -21 Nithsdale Road
G41 2AL Glasgow, United Kingdom
Wednesday & Thursday @ 7:00 p.m.

Outrageously hilarious and dark antidote to Christmas.

What would happen if one of Santa’s reindeer took out a sexual harassment suit against him? Come along and find out!!!


Performances at 7pm and 9.15pm on 19th and 20th December in Bungo-lo, The Bungo, Nithsdale Road, G41 2AL.

Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Glasgow"
Theatre = "dRC Productions"
City = "Glasgow"; State = "SCOTLAND"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "19"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "20"

SOURCE: SF website


Seattle, Washington
December 21-30, 2018

815 Seattle Blvd S #140
Seattle, WA 98134
Fridays & Saturdays @ 8:00 p.m.
Sundays @ 3:00 p.m.

What happens when a light shines bright in the dark corners of an institution of happiness and joy? What happens to the one holding the flashlight? Is Vixen's story true? Could he really have done such a thing? What happened to Rudolph? The Eight is a wickedly dark comedy where Santa's reindeer tell you exactly what they are thinking. The rumors are spreading, the lines are drawn and the world needs to decide where they stand.

***TRIGGER WARNING This show contains fictional retellings of the after math of sexual assault and/or violence which may be triggering to survivors.

directed by Isaiah Crowson

TheatreTBD is holding auditions for their upcoming production of The Eight: Reindeer Monologues by Jeff Goode. A wickedly dark....dark comedy that gives you a glimpse into what happens when an institution of joy comes crashing down. Eight reindeer dish about the real Santa. All those rumors you've heard about him and the elves? About Rudolph's little secret? About Vixen's story that was leaked to the press? All true. Yes, the reindeer finally speak up and - believe us - they do not hold back! The Eight: Reindeer Monologues by: Jeff Goode TheatreTBD Non-Union Theater Theater or Stage Open to All Seattle, WA Project Begins: Nov 18, 2018 Project Ends: Dec 30, 2018 https://www.facebook.com/TheatreTBD/photos/a.419043671892008/421444514985257/?type=1&theater
Show = "8rm"; Title = "THE EIGHT: Reindeer Monologues"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pn8rm18.htm#Seattle"
Theatre = "TheatreTBD"
City = "Seattle"; State = "WA"
YearOpen = "2018"; MonthOpen = "Dec"; DayOpen = "21"; MonthClose = "Dec"; DayClose = "30"

SOURCE: http://tpsonline.org/auditions/auddb.php?Aud_ID=27062