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New York, New York
August 2nd - 30th, 1996
Eighty Eights
228 West 10th Street

Fridays at 11:00 p.m.

Reckless Appetites
Gentry Leland Claussen

The Eight: Reindeer Monologues


The Theatre Conspiracy - Fort Myers, Florida
November 29th to December 15th, 1996

directed by David Meo

Dasher ........ Bill Taylor
Cupid ......... Robert Black / Vince Frazzini
Hollywood ..... Nick Gray
Blitzen ....... Kathy Grey
Comet ......... Stephan David St. Hellman
Dancer ........ Lisa Marie
Donner ........ Peter Stearns
Vixen ......... Lauren Drexler


Tornado Head Productions - Boise, Idaho
November 29th to December 20th, 1996

produced & directed by Diane Ragsdale

Joe Golden as "Dasher"
Terri Dillion as "Dancer"
Nick Garcia as "Prancer"
Christina Lang as "Vixen"
Matt Ramsey as "Comet"
Tom Willmorth as "Cupid"
Stitch Marker as "Donner"
Diane Ragsdale as "Blitzen"


Circle X Theatre - Los Angeles
December 5th to 22nd, 1996

Hollywood Court Theatre
6817 Franklin Ave (corner of Franklin & Highland)

  • Critic's Choice - Drama-Logue
  • Pick of the Week - LA Weekly
    Winner - 4 Drama-Logue Awards
  • Drama-Logue review L.A. Weekly review cast photo
    directed by John Lovick

    Dasher ........ Richard Augustine Cupid ......... Doug Hutchison Hollywood ..... Jim Anzide Blitzen ....... Gwyn Fawcett Comet ......... Matthew Allen Bretz Dancer ........ Melanie van Betten Donner ........ Bob Clendenin Vixen ......... Alisa Wilson
    Lighting Designer ....... Cheryl Waters
    Costume Designer ........ Denise Caplan
    Assistant Director ...... Paul Plunkett
    Stage Manager ........... Jenifer Hamel


    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
    December 5th to 15th, 1996

    directed by Karen Turner

    DASHER ............. Doug Berry
    CUPID .............. Om Mogerman
    HOLLYWOOD .......... Tim Sutherland
    BLITZEN ............ Laurel Thomson
    COMET .............. Matthew Payne
    DANCER ............. Julia Mackey
    DONNER ............. Ian Case
    VIXEN .............. Naomi Snieckus


    Les Enfants du Maïs Theatre Collective - Chicago
    December 6th to 28th, 1996

    Zebra Crossing Theater
    4223 N. Lincoln

    Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm

    Chicago Sun-Times review Chicago Reader review photos poster
    directed by Cheryl Snodgrass
    Set Design ......... Jacob Harlow
    Light Design ....... Davin Pickell & Jacob Harlow
    Musical Design ..... Seán Judge
    Antler Design ...... Kristen Rengren
    Cover Art .......... Oliver Oertel
    Photography ........ Laurie Chafey
    DASHER ............. Seán Judge CUPID .............. Robert Felbinger HOLLYWOOD .......... Stacy Loomis BLITZEN ............ Inger Hatlen COMET .............. Doug Steckel DANCER ............. Jane deLaubenfels DONNER ............. James Thorn VIXEN .............. Clare Riordan
    Understudy for DASHER December 27, 1996 Brian Bondurant

    Stage ManagerLaura Miller
    Production ManagerDarcy Dederich
    Technical DirectorDavin Pickell
    Production C.A.Margaret DuBé
    Production W.B.Dan Inzeo
    Antler BuildLisa Barcy, Matt Kanelos, Jeremy Kohn, Stacy Loomis,
    Eve Manzingo, Kristen Rengren, Cheryl Snodgrass


    Brian Bon Durant and I-CAR Productions in association with:
    Les Enfants du Maïs Theatre Collective
    - Madison, Wisconsin
    January 24th & 25th, 1997

    directed by Cheryl Snodgrass
    Set Design ......... Jacob Harlow
    Light Design ....... Davin Pickell & Jacob Harlow
    Musical Design ..... Seán Judge
    Antler Design ...... Kristen Rengren
    Cover Art .......... Oliver Oertel
    Photography ........ Laurie Chafey
    DASHER ............. Seán Judge CUPID .............. Robert Felbinger HOLLYWOOD .......... Stacy Loomis BLITZEN ............ Inger Hatlen COMET .............. Doug Steckel DANCER ............. Jane deLaubenfels DONNER ............. James Thorn VIXEN .............. Clare Riordan

    Stage ManagerLaura Miller
    Production ManagerDarcy Dederich
    Technical DirectorDavin Pickell
    Production C.A.Margaret DuBé
    Production W.B.Dan Inzeo
    Antler BuildLisa Barcy, Matt Kanelos, Jeremy Kohn, Stacy Loomis,
    Eve Manzingo, Kristen Rengren, Cheryl Snodgrass

    VP of I-CAR Productions .................. Matt Miller
    Ticket Sales & Marketing Manager .... Justine Bon Durant

    Carey B. Hay, Ross Jamison

    Crew Assistants
    Katie Olson, Kristin Smith, Katie Way
    and the students of McFarland High School Theatre Department