[Production History]
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Lublin, Poland
January 16, 2014
Wieczór komediowy

Staszica 1, 20-087
Lublin, Poland
Thursday @ 8:00 p.m.

Cax Mafe oraz Teatr Realium zapraszają na trzy spektakle komediowe

Zapraszamy Państwa na trzy krótkie formy komediowe. Będą to mini spektakle oparte na tekstach najlepszych współczesnych amerykańskich autorów takich jak Walter Wykes, Nick Zagone i Jeff Goode. W programie wieczoru:

"Piwna dziewczyna"

Autor: Walter Wykes
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min.
Występują: Magda Sierocińska, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek

Po kolejnej ucieczce od swojej dziewczyny, Bob znajduje pocieszenie w ramionach innej kobiety. Nie jest to jednak zwykła zdrada gdyż Bob stworzył sobie nową miłość z aluminiowych puszek. Jego niezwykłe przywiązanie do "złotego trunku" sprawia w końcu, że za sprawą płomiennego uczucia oraz alkoholowych majaków piwna istota ożywa, przez co wprowadza niezły zamęt w życie Boba i jego prawdziwej dziewczyny Flo.

"Morderstwo przed północą"

Autor: Jeff Goode
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min
Występują: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek

Dick Piston jest hotelowym detektywem, który całe noce spędza na prowadzeniu śledztw w sprawie dokonywanych w Hotelu Lakeview morderstw oraz upijaniu się tanią whisky w hotelowym barze. Pewnej nocy do jego biura wpada niezwykle piękna, zmysłowa i seksowna ofiara zabójstwa. Od tego momentu detektyw Piston zostaje wplątany w kolejną beznadziejną sprawę, którą będzie musiał rozwiązać w niecałe dziesięć minut.

"Papierkowa robota"

Autor: Nick Zagone
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Występują: Natalia Bienias, Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 12 min.

Pozornie przypadkowa wizyta pewnego mężczyzny w urzędzie zamienia się w wywiad matrymonialny prowadzony przez atrakcyjną urzędniczkę. Rozmowa z czasem nabiera rozpędu i w błyskawicznym tempie zamienia się w pierwszą randkę. Dalsze konsekwencje to małżeństwo, wspólny dom, dziecko, wypalenie w związku i ostatecznie dramatyczny rozwód. A wszystko to w przeciągu dwunastu minut załatwiania nowego dowodu rejestracyjnego i prawa jazdy.


Cax Mafe and Theatre Realium invite three comedic performances " Beer Girl " Author: Walter Wykes Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Duration: 15 min . Cast: Magda Sierocińska, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek After another escape from his girlfriend , Bob finds solace in the arms of another woman. But this is not an ordinary treason because Bob has created a new love of aluminum cans . His extraordinary commitment to the " golden drink " makes in the end , it 's a matter of fervent feelings and hallucinations alcoholic beer being revived , which introduces a fine confusion in life Bob and his real girlfriend Flo . " Murder before midnight " Author: Jeff Goode Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Duration: 15 min Cast: Barbara Jaskmanicka , Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek Dick Piston is a hotel detective who spends entire nights investigating the Lakeview Hotel made ??in the murders and binge drinking cheap whiskey at the bar. One night, his office gets incredibly beautiful, sensual and sexy murder victim . From this moment the detective Piston is embroiled in yet another hopeless case , you will have to solve in less than ten minutes. " Paperwork " Author: Ann Wuehler Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Cast: Natalia Bienias , Adrian Krać Duration: 12 min . Seemingly random visit of a man at the office turns into a matrimonial interview conducted by an attractive clerk . Interview with time gaining momentum and rapidly turns into a first date. Further consequences of this marriage , common house , baby , burn in a relationship and ultimately dramatic divorce . And all this within a twelve -minute settlement of a new registration card and driving license. FREE ADMISSION

SOURCE: http://teatrdlawas.pl/teatr/tdw/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35842&Itemid=70


Ajo, Arizona
January 17 & 18, 2014
An Evening of Theatrical Intrigue
Dicus Auditorium

111 N. Well Road
Ajo, AZ 85321
Friday & Saturday

The Ajo Community Payers are at it again. This time they're offering 3 one-act plays at once -- Murder by Midnight, A Growing Problem and A Night Among the Dead -- or Are They? Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door and students are free.

The stage is set at the Dicus Auditorium in Ajo, Arizona. It was a great night attended by more than 190 patrons and more students than we've ever had.

Murder by Midnight, written by Jeff Goode and directed by Marla Von Ettenberg. Dick Piston, hotel detective, has his hands full untangling this noir mystery.

A Growing Problem, written by Jeanette Farr-Harkins and directed by Donna Owen. Helen and Frank have started a relationship and their love has been growing but so has one of Helen's plants -- and this may present some problems.

A Night Among the Dead -- Or Are They? Directed by Jim Reiman. Two grave diggers reminisce about the days gone by but are soon interrupted ...

Dear Mr Goode:

I am with the Ajo Community Players in Ajo Arizona. We are planning an evening of one act plays in January. One of the Directors has selected your play Murder By Midnight. We are a non-profit community theater group and plan on performing the play 2 nights. The ticket price will be either $7 or $8 and we hope for around 200 people total.

Could you please let me know what the royalties for your play would be.

Sincerely, Sherri O'Hare Producer

1/29/14: The play went well, everyone loved it. It got voted best one act play, best actor and best supporting actor at the cast party. A clean sweep! I'll be uploading photos to our blog site soon.

SOURCE: Sherri O'Hare email 11/7/13


Lublin, Poland
January 26, 2014
Magia Teatru
Aleje Racławicki 6
20-080 Lublin, Poland
Sunday @ 7:00 p.m.

"Magia Teatru" to niezwykłe połączenie spektakli z repertuaru komediowego Teatru Realium z iluzjonistycznym show Piotra Denisiuka, kt—ry wcieli się także w rolę konferansjera. Prezentowane kr—tkie formy sceniczne tzw. "ten minute plays" to pierwsze tego typu spektakle powstałe w Polsce, a od dawna cieszące się sporą popularnością w kręgach teatru studenckiego w USA. W wykonaniu Teatru Realium zobaczycie trzy komedie: "Morderstwo przed p—łnocą", "Papierkowa robota" oraz "Piwna dziewczyna". Natomiast Piotr Denisiuk zapewni wam rozrywkę na najwyższym poziomie prezentując fragmenty swojego nowego programu.

"Piwna dziewczyna"

Autor: Walter Wykes
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min.
Występują: Magda Sierocińska, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek

Po kolejnej ucieczce od swojej dziewczyny, Bob znajduje pocieszenie w ramionach innej kobiety. Nie jest to jednak zwykła zdrada gdyż Bob stworzył sobie nową miłość z aluminiowych puszek. Jego niezwykłe przywiązanie do "złotego trunku" sprawia w końcu, że za sprawą płomiennego uczucia oraz alkoholowych majaków piwna istota ożywa, przez co wprowadza niezły zamęt w życie Boba i jego prawdziwej dziewczyny Flo.

"Morderstwo przed północą"

Autor: Jeff Goode
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min
Występują: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek

Dick Piston jest hotelowym detektywem, który całe noce spędza na prowadzeniu śledztw w sprawie dokonywanych w Hotelu Lakeview morderstw oraz upijaniu się tanią whisky w hotelowym barze. Pewnej nocy do jego biura wpada niezwykle piękna, zmysłowa i seksowna ofiara zabójstwa. Od tego momentu detektyw Piston zostaje wplątany w kolejną beznadziejną sprawę, którą będzie musiał rozwiązać w niecałe dziesięć minut.

"Papierkowa robota"

Autor: Nick Zagone
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Występują: Natalia Bienias, Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 12 min.

Pozornie przypadkowa wizyta pewnego mężczyzny w urzędzie zamienia się w wywiad matrymonialny prowadzony przez atrakcyjną urzędniczkę. Rozmowa z czasem nabiera rozpędu i w błyskawicznym tempie zamienia się w pierwszą randkę. Dalsze konsekwencje to małżeństwo, wspólny dom, dziecko, wypalenie w związku i ostatecznie dramatyczny rozwód. A wszystko to w przeciągu dwunastu minut załatwiania nowego dowodu rejestracyjnego i prawa jazdy.


"Magic Theatre" is a unique combination of performances from the repertoire of the Theatre Realium comedy show with illusionist Peter Denisiuk, who will play the role of the announcer. Presented short form of the so-called stage. "This minute plays" is the first such performances produced in Poland, and has long been enjoying considerable popularity in the circles of student theater in the United States. In an embodiment of the Theatre Realium see three comedies: "Murder before midnight", "paperwork" and "Beer Girl". In contrast, Peter Denisiuk provide you entertainment at the highest level, presenting excerpts of his new program. " Beer Girl " Author: Walter Wykes Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Duration: 15 min . Cast: Magda Sierocińska, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek After another escape from his girlfriend , Bob finds solace in the arms of another woman. But this is not an ordinary treason because Bob has created a new love of aluminum cans . His extraordinary commitment to the " golden drink " makes in the end , it 's a matter of fervent feelings and hallucinations alcoholic beer being revived , which introduces a fine confusion in life Bob and his real girlfriend Flo . " Murder before midnight " Author: Jeff Goode Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Duration: 15 min Cast: Barbara Jaskmanicka , Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek Dick Piston is a hotel detective who spends entire nights investigating the Lakeview Hotel made ??in the murders and binge drinking cheap whiskey at the bar. One night, his office gets incredibly beautiful, sensual and sexy murder victim . From this moment the detective Piston is embroiled in yet another hopeless case , you will have to solve in less than ten minutes. " Paperwork " Author: Ann Wuehler Translated and directed by Adrian Krać Cast: Natalia Bienias , Adrian Krać Duration: 12 min . Seemingly random visit of a man at the office turns into a matrimonial interview conducted by an attractive clerk . Interview with time gaining momentum and rapidly turns into a first date. Further consequences of this marriage , common house , baby , burn in a relationship and ultimately dramatic divorce . And all this within a twelve -minute settlement of a new registration card and driving license. FREE ADMISSION

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1399222203664591/


Bangalore, India
March 16, 2014
Short+Sweet Theatre Bengalaru
The Biggest Little Play Festival in the World

MG Road
Bangalore Karnataka 560001
March 7 - April 5, 2014
Murder by Midnight - Sunday @ 4:00 p.m.

"Murder by Midnight" is a hilarious play which will tickle your ribs.

Directed by: Preeti Agarwal
Cast: Armaan Babu, Joyita Das, Siddharth Shah
Produced by: Artery Productions
Date & Time: 16th March 2014 at 4.00 pm
Venue: Rangoli Art Centre , MG Road


The Line Up for 2014:

March 7- 7 pm- Opening night
March 9- 4 pm and 7 pm- 2 repeat shows

Less Than Three Productions- Come into the Garden - Abhishek Jain
Shoe-size Productions- Surprise- Naveen Richard
Pixie Dust Productions- The Language of Love- Ruchi Ravindran
Saarthak Productions- Shagaaf- Deevas Gupta
Sparks of Agni-The Trip- Deepak Hariharan
Theatre Y- Paapa- Yog Japee
Blaze Theatrez- Puppet Show- John Pradeep
Hi5! Entertainment- The Gentleman's Choice- Jayant VM
Kalayan Theatre Group- Tu nahi aur sahi- Mathura Kalauny
Natakist- Theatre In Red- Chetan Rao.

March 14, 15, 16- 7 pm

Jugaad Co- Side Lower- Anna Thomas
Minoritie Productions- 50 guns- Akanccha Karki
O Duck- Life is Beautiful- Deepak Joshi
Avirat Creations- The Debt- N Rishi
Saarthak Productions- This is War- Shaurya Singh
Puck N Co.- The Third Person- Judith Bidapa
Punchtantraa- Shorter n Sweeter- Ajay Samson, Ashank Bhandari
Paradigm Creations- Back to the Future- Anand Raghav
Museum Theatre- tba- Kamal Pruthi
Katharanga- Nandhini- Abhishek B Chakranavar

March 28,29,30- 7 pm.

Crea- Shakti- Hands to yourself- Nayantara Nayar
Crea- Shakti- The Quest - Vaidhya M Sundar
Drama Troupe- ID- Kalieaswari Srinivasan
Jugaad Co- To this day- Jimmy Xavier
Natakist- Break A Leg- Amrutha Varshini
Center Stage- The Crowded Heart- Sameer Roy
Puck n Co- The Speech- Aaron Punnen
Halli Productions- Smoked Up Night- Imran Ahmed
Barking Dog- TBA
ASAP Productions- An Honest Question- Amit Singh

March 15 2014- 4 pm

Samriddhi- Busted Dreams- Akhilesh Chetty
The Muckety Mucks- Photocopy Love- Saurabh Prakash
Subu Productions- Death of an Actor- Subramaniam V
Nicholas Productions- Dance of Love- Nicholas D
Tea Arts- Scene 2- Manoj K Kalaivanan
Natak Company- Trial Room- Adithya Joshi
Plain Ice Productions- Last Drinks- Vijay Saravanan
Offshoot Productions- Becoming-Vivek Abraham
The Non-conforming Non conformists- Lost In Translation- Harikesh Subramanian
Shoonya- Mortality-Ashutosh Chakravarty

March 16 2014

Artery Productions- Murder By Midnight- Preeti Agarwal
Zipper Down - Untitled Rishi Nair Project- Suhit Kumar
Canadian International School- The Confession- Lawrence Espinosa
Kkhuaab- God only Knows- Kamakshi Kamath
Aamhi- Missed- Sandeep Paranjape
Keli Kanyarkali Sangam - The Only Reason- Ranjith Kakkayur
Being Production- Change- are we comfortable with it?- Nav Kishlay
Theatre 86- Nude Scene- Venu D
Shadowlights Entertainment- 100% Vaastu- Vivek Raju
ArtTh- Dream India- Faria Fatima

March 29 2014

Motley Crew- The people Upstairs- Justin R Alexander
Art- Right-Is- Anon- Daniel Oxenwalla
Neer Dosa Productions- The Devil's Aftershave- Daspuram Shivakumar
Bored Stiff Productions- A temporary matter- Sohil Bhatia
Sparks of Agni- Shake well before use- Sunaina Mudaliar
Katharanga- Abyantha- Janardhan Chikanna
Shruti Jolly- TBA
The Drama Troupe- TBA
Mangatha- The Better Actor - Karthick Sekar
Being Production- Foghaan- TBA


Top 10 Wildcard finalists to compete.

Top 2 winners will qualify for Gala Finale.

Best actor, actress, director.


April 3- 7pm
April 4 - 7 pm
April 5th - 4 and 7pm- Results and awards show.

SOURCE: http://www.shortandsweet.org/festivals/shortsweet-theatre-bengaluru-2014


Lublin, Poland
March 28, 2014
Wieczór Komediowy w Dzielnicowym Domu Kultury "Bronowice"

ul. Krańcowa 106
20-320 Lublin
godzina 18:00

Szczegóły imprezy:
Dzielnicowy Dom Kultury "Bronowice" zaprasza w najbliższy piątek, 28 marca o godzinie 18.00 na Wieczór Komediowy w wykonaniu Teatru Realium:

Para Idealna
Autor: Juliane Homokay
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Występują: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek
Czas trwania: 14 min.
Opowiadanie bajek na dobranoc to wcale nie taka prosta sprawa. Zwłaszcza gdy pozornie prosta opowieść o pewnej parze młodej wymyka się spod kontroli narratorowi, którego starania by opowiedzieć piękną historię o idealnym życiu pary młodej spełzają na niczym w konfrontacji z mało wyrafinowaną rzeczywistością.

Papierkowa robota
Autor: NIck Zagone
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać Występują: Natalia Bienias, Adrian Krać Czas trwania: 15 min.
Pozornie przypadkowa wizyta pewnego mężczyzny w urzędzie zamienia się w wywiad matrymonialny prowadzony przez atrakcyjną urzędniczkę. Rozmowa z czasem nabiera rozpędu i w błyskawicznym tempie zamienia się w pierwszą randkę. Dalsze konsekwencje to małżeństwo, wspólny dom, dziecko, wypalenie w związku i ostatecznie dramatyczny rozwód. A wszystko to w przeciągu dwunastu minut załatwiania nowego dowodu rejestracyjnego i prawa jazdy.

Morderstwo przed północą
Autor: Jeff Goode
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min.
Występują: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek
Dick Piston jest hotelowym detektywem, który całe noce spędza na prowadzeniu śledztw w sprawie dokonywanych w Hotelu Lakeview morderstw oraz upijaniu się tanią whisky w hotelowym barze. Pewnej nocy do jego biura wpada niezwykle piękna, zmysłowa i seksowna ofiara zabójstwa. Od tego momentu detektyw Piston zostaje wplątany w kolejną beznadziejną sprawę, którą będzie musiał rozwiązać w niecałe dziesięć minut.

Piwna dziewczyna
Autor: Walter Wykes
Przekład i reżyseria: Adrian Krać
Czas trwania: 15 min.
Występują: Magda Sierocińska, Adrian Krać, Paweł Półchłopek
Po kolejnej ucieczce od swojej dziewczyny, Bob znajduje pocieszenie w ramionach innej kobiety. Nie jest to jednak zwykła zdrada gdyż Bob stworzył sobie nową miłość z aluminiowych puszek. Jego niezwykłe przywiązanie do "złotego trunku" sprawia w końcu, że za sprawą płomiennego uczucia oraz alkoholowych majaków piwna istota ożywa, przez co wprowadza niezły zamęt w życie Boba i jego prawdziwej dziewczyny Flo.

Google translation:
Comedy Night at DDK Bronowice Details of event: Regional House of Culture "Bronowice" invites you on Friday, March 28, at 18.00 in the evening Comedy Theatre performed Realium: Perfect Pair Author: Juliane Homokay Translated and directed by: Adrian Kra?any Cast: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Kra?any, Paul P—?ch?opek Duration: 14 minutes. Story bedtime stories is not such a simple thing. Especially when a seemingly simple story about a pair of young spiraling out of control narrator, whose efforts to tell a beautiful story about a young couple's life perfect slipping down to nothing in the face of little subtle reality. Paperwork Author: NIck Zagon Translated and directed by: Adrian Kra?any Cast: Natalia Bienias, Adrian Kra?any Duration: 15 min. Seemingly random visit of a man at the office turns into a matrimonial interview conducted by an attractive clerk. Interview with time gaining momentum and rapidly turns into a first date. Further consequences of this marriage, common house, baby, burn in a relationship and ultimately dramatic divorce. And all this within a twelve-minute settlement of a new registration card and driving license. Murder before midnight Author: Jeff Goode Translated and directed by: Adrian Kra?any Duration: 15 min Cast: Barbara Jaskmanicka, Adrian Kra?any, Paul P—?ch?opekDick Piston is a hotel detective who spends entire nights investigating the Lakeview Hotel made in the murders and binge drinking cheap whiskey at the bar. One night, his office gets incredibly beautiful, sensual and sexy murder victim. From this moment the detective Piston is embroiled in yet another hopeless case, you will have to solve in less than ten minutes. Beer girl Author: Walter Wykes Translated and directed by: Adrian Kra?any Duration: 15 min. Cast: Magda Sieroci?ska, Adrian Kra?any, Paul P—?ch?opek After another escape from his girlfriend, Bob finds solace in the arms of another woman. But this is not an ordinary treason because Bob has created a new love of aluminum cans. His extraordinary commitment to the "golden drink" makes in the end, it's a matter of fervent feelings and hallucinations alcoholic beer being revived, which introduces a fine confusion in life Bob and his real girlfriend Flo.

SOURCE: http://www.strefaimprez.pl/lublin/wieczor-komediowy-w-ddk-bronowice-202867


Dubuque, Iowa
March 31, 2014
Babka Theatre

2000 University Ave.
Dubuque, IA 52001
Monday @ 8:30 p.m.

Murder by Midnight
I have a student who is interested in directing your one-act for a class project, and I am writing to inquire about permission and royalties. This is to be a free student production, with an audience of approximately 15 students. Amy J. Ressler, M.F.A. Professor of Fine & Performing Arts Director of Theatre & Dance University of Dubuque 2000 University Ave. Dubuque, IA 52001 The performance will be Monday evening, March 31st at 8:30 pm in the Babka student theatre, in conjunction with a performance of our improv troupe. https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Dubuque-Drama-Club/158834794147926

SOURCE: Amy Ressler 3/11/14


Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
April 9, 2014
2014 Inter-House Play Festival

Civin Drive
Wednesday @ 18h30

Inter House Play Festival

The House Play Festival will be held on 9 April from 18h30.

Athena Stephanie Mouskides
Gia Ventouris
Artemis Elia Roussos
Katerina Hajiphilippou
Daniela Akakios
Apollo Christina Kyriacou
Christina Theodorou
Jamie Ioannides
Hermes Jenna Anousakis
Nicholas Ferretti

Dick Piston, Hotel Detective
in Murder by Midnight

directed by Elia Roussos

Elia Roussos 3/1/14 We would like to purchase the rights if your play...murder at midnight...We would like to stage this play at a students play festival in Johannesburg...Saheti school appoints scholars who need to produce a play...i am one of three directors and would like to request permission to reproduce your play Elia Roussos 3/1/14 The play festival begins on the 8th of April...Each team can choose to stage any play...In total there will be 4 plays that will be staged

SOURCE: eliaroussos---yahoo.com


Boston, Massachusetts
April 16, 2014
NU Theatre Student Directing Scenes

Curry Student Center
346 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Wednesday @ 3:00 p.m.

14 short plays will be performed at the Studio Theatre. The performances are a final presentation by the students in this Spring's Concepts of Directing class.

Come by at any time to join us! It's a great way to take a break from studying for finals.

Line Up: (Director and Play)

1. Joy Richmond "Beyond Measure"
2. Sarah Darrow "Bake Off"
3. Yael Urbach "Words, Words, Words"
4. Maria DiPaola "The Intruder"
5. Danny Aiani "Floored"
6. Zahan Mehta "Canker Sores and Other Distractions"


7. Dan Boston "Family of Horrors"
8. Rachael MacAskill "The Lady of Larkspur Lotion"
9. Tori Oggioni "The Wedding Story"
10. Matthew Parvinsmith "Murder by Midnight"
11. Tsyeba Johnson "Medusa's Tale"
12. Jacqueline Lasry "Doll Cargo"
13. Phillip Esposito "Patter for the Floating Lady"
14. Francesca Murray "Bank Holiday Mondays and Other Ways to Kill a Marriage"

SOURCE: http://calendar.northeastern.edu/event/nu_theatre_student_directing_scenes#.U080DF6pm4k


Bronx, New York
May 1, 2014
A Festival of One Acts
The Box

4513 Manhattan College Parkway
Riverdale, NY 10471
Thursday @ 7:00 p.m. - one night only

Join the Manhattan College Players for an evening of one act plays. We will be performing Family 2.0, Murder by Midnight, Sure Thing, I Can't Think of it Right Now, and Oreos and Nose Rings. ONE NIGHT ONLY so make sure you get your tickets in Student Activities today!
Manhattan College Players The Manhattan College Players is a student-led ensemble of performers. Productions are directed by a professional with students working on all tasks involved in putting on the productions. Auditions are held at the beginning of each semester.

SOURCE: email 4/25/14 John Corraro John Corraro


Madison, Wisconsin
May 1-3, 2014
Student Directed One Acts Festival
Theatre Arts 470ŠOne-Act-Play Production
Spring 2014
Black Box Theatre
The Stream Building

1000 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Thursday & Friday @ 7:30 p.m.
Saturday @ 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Ticket Prices: $12 General $7 Students/Seniors

directed by Directing II Students

Contemporary (mostly) one-act plays directed by Edgewood Theatre Arts studetns: fresh, funny, thought-provoking and smart, this variety pack of plays showcases the talents of our students on stage and behind the scenes.

"Family Voices" by Harold Pinter
directed by Kayla Stelzel

"A Second of Pleasure" by Neil LaBute
directed by Saritah Helms

"Vines in a Vaccuum" by Jimmy Brunelle
directed by Eric Schommer

"Beer Girl" by Walter Wykes
directed by Ryan McCrumb

"At the Hawk's Well" by W. B. Yeats
directed by Miranda Beadle

"Murder by Midnight" by Jeff Goode
directed by Allie Capps

SOURCE: https://express.edgewood.edu/ICS/Portal_Homepage.jnz?portlet=Wingra_Weekly&screen=View%20Post&Id=eea24f20-fa06-4ab5-bf5a-965ef19e36f5


Concord, New Hampshire
May 2, 2014
Sweeney Auditorium

31 College Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Friday @ 7-8:15 pm

Stage Lynx Presents:
An Evening of One-Act Plays

Friday May 2, 7-8:15 pm
Sweeney Auditorium

Murder by Midnight, directed by Samantha Kimball
The Philadelphia, directed by Tim Murphy
Mike and Susan, directed by Jewel Davis

Admission $5
(free for NHTI students)


NHTI's Stage Lynx to present one-act plays
By Doug Schwarz / For the Insider
April 22, 2014

Stage Lynx, the student drama club at NHTI, will present a night of one-act plays on Friday, May 2, to close out the spring 2014 semester.

The evening includes Murder by Midnight, directed by Samantha Kimball (a General Studies student from Rumney); The Philadelphia, directed by Tim Murphy (an Information Technology major from Milford); and Mike and Susan, directed by Jewel Davis, club advisor and a member of the NHTI English faculty.

The curtain goes up at 7 p.m. in the Sweeney Auditorium.

Tickets are free for NHTI students, $5 for all others, and will be available at the door.

SOURCE: http://www.nhti.edu/newsletter/campus-comments-page-3-041814


Taunton, Massachusetts
May 2-4, 2014
In the News

50 Williams Street
Taunton, MA 02780
Friday & Saturday @ 7:00 p.m.
Sunday @ 2:00 p.m.

THS Drama Club presents "In the News"

Taunton High School Drama Club presents "In the News" Friday and Saturday May 2nd & 3rd at 7 p.m. and Sunday May 4th at 2 p.m. Tickets are only available at the door and are $12 for adults and $10 for seniors & students .


The Wedding Story
Ema in The Wedding Story as the Story Teller in the Taunton High School play "In The News". I'm so very proud of her.
What a fabulous job she and the entire cast and crew did. Thanks Ths Drama and Mrs. P.!!! Enjoy!

Murder by Midnight

Ema plays Dick Piston, Hotel Detective in "Murder by Midnight.
Kudos to the cast and crew of the variety show "In the News" by THS Drama.

Mrs. Pit
Mrs. Pit (Politically Incorrect Teacher)
Ema as Mrs. Pit in THS Drama Club's Production of "In The News"

Ema ("Fugue" Dead 10 year old) Ths Drama's variety show "In The News".
This one is quite dark, scary and very sad. I did actually weep. Who's kidding who? I would have been blubbering very loudly had I not been in a theatre full of people. Watch it till the end

SOURCE: http://www.tauntonschools.org/news.cfm?story=84538&school=584 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GqHFAbe1FA


Kingston, Rhode Island
May 3-4, 2014

Fine Arts Center
105 Upper College Road
Kingston, RI 02881

Murder by Midnight
Directed by Vinny Ballirano

SOURCE: Vinny Ballirano email 3/18/14 I am currently a student at the University of Rhode Island where I am a theatre major with a concentrate in directing. One of the classes I am taking has each student direct a one act play and show it. I am wondering how much amateur rights will be to use your play Murder by Midnight. The show is a classroom project, it will be shown to the public on May 3rd and 4th with two showings on the 4th. We are not charging an admission fee, and the theater holds roughly 50 people in it.


East Wenatchee, Washington
May 16 & 17, 2014
Spring Storm - One Act Comedies

955 3rd St. NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802

Eastmont Jr. High Auditorium
905 8th St. NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Friday & Saturday @ 7:00 p.m.
$12 adults, $7 students, pacwen.org 663-2787

EHS drama students present a one-weekend-only raft of short comedy vignettes from playwrights including George S. Kaufman and David Ives, plus improv bits bumpering the scripted stuff. The event features Ives' "Sure Thing" and "Variations on the Death of Trotsky," Jeff Goode's "Murder By Midnight" and Kaufman's "The Still Alarm." Get advance tickets from the Numerica Performing Arts Center box office at the number or website above.
Announcing our Director's festival - a night of one act comedies and improv.

Eastmont High School Drama Club


Eastmont Drama Club presents Four tiny twisted and stormy comedies in one fun evening, with improv comedy thrown in to cleanse the palate between each hilarious story at the Eastmont Junior High Auditorium.

Variations on the Death of Trotsky - Directed by Sierra Fries:
Trotsky - Jackson Ross
Trotsky's Wife - Morgan Lucas
Ramon - Jacob Leonard
AD - Grey Hanna

Murder by Midnight - Directed by Gillian Eggers:
Dick Piston - Austin Flory
Woman in Towel - Laney Spry
Bellhop - Chris Tuthill
AD - Savannah Fields

The Still Alarm - Directed by Morgan Lucas
Ed - Liam Key
Bob - Austin Flory
Bellhop - Jacob Leonard
Fireman No. 1 & No. 2 - Gillian Eggers & Hailey Jo Kelly
AD - Savannah Fields

Sure Thing - Directed by Amanda Everett
Betty - Michaela Lantzy
Bill - Jackson Ross
AD - Zach Savage

Improv Team: Sean Ward, Austin Flory, Hailey Jo Kelly, Morgan Lucas, Jacob Leonard, Chris Tuthill

Stage Manager - Liam Key
Assistant Stage Management - Adam Peterson, Emma Standerford, Alex Racus, Sienna Shennum

Hello Mr. Goode,

I am writing to inquire about license to produce your ten minute play "Murder by Midnight".

This is for a high school/middle school drama club with a student director.
The date would be in May 2014, exact dates TBD.
2 performances, maximum seating of 100, ticket price $7 student and $10 adult

SOURCE: Cynthia Brown


Richmond, Texas
May 17 & 18, 2014
Del Webb Sweetgrass
3031 Persimmon Grove
Richmond, TX 77469
Saturday night
Sunday matinee

Dick Piston, Hotel Detective
in Murder by Midnight
Cindy Hess 2/5/14: We are interested in performing your "Murder by Midnight" for our local community. It will probably be performed twice, same venue, about 150 persons at each performance. It's not a company, just our sub division Drama Club. The performances will be one weekend in May, probably the 17th. Cindy Hess 2/27/14: We are ready to purchase the rights to perform your play "Murder by Midnight". We are the Sweetgrass Drama Club in a DelWebb senior community, Richmond, TX. We plan to perform it twice, Sat night and the next day, Sunday matinee, same venue.



Navan, County Meath, Ireland
May 23, 2014
A Night of One Act Plays
Newgrange Hotel
Bridge Street, Navan
Friday @ 8:00 p.m. - one night only!

Annual NTG One Acts Night: this Fri, 8pm, Newgrange Hotel, Navan. See 5 one acts (including Ciara Cassoni's DOPE) for just Ū7! Great night's entertainment assured! Please tell your friends & support the cast & crew. Hope to see you there! Thanks in advance.
Murder by Midnight
On behalf of Navan Theatre Group I would like to inquire about the royalty. We would like to put the play on Fri 23rd May for one night in a local hotel. We are an amateur group. We produce an evening of short plays once a year to allow new members to try their hand at acting and more experienced members to try directing. I will be happy to provide any further information you require. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Navan-Theatre-Group/158029760884965 http://www.navantheatregroup.com ABOUT: Navan Theatre Group is an amateur drama and theatre group based in Navan, County Meath. We have a diverse and growing membership. Since 1991 we have performed a full length play each November and more recently have performed one acts plays in the spring. We are also committed to developing skills within the group and this year we have commenced a number of workshops for members.

SOURCE: Mary Woods email 5/9/14


Kallang, Singapore
May 31, 2014
EDS Night (English Drama Society)

10 Tanjong Rhu Rd
Singapore 436895

Murder By Midnight
lastly drama nite was on 31st may and before that I was already going around "selling" the tickets like crazy bc I really wanted alot of people to turn up and support us. the tickets this year were apparently free bc some kaleidoscope thingy but whatever heheheheheh sold like 20 tickets or something (and you have some 1-2 idiots backing out wtf ugh) everyone was so hyped up for drama nite bc we really rehearsed like crazy and stuff. we stayed back until 9pm-10pm in school on 29th may for full tech run and it was tiring but fun tho the teachers treated us to a burger for dinner hhehahhahahahahahuhuhuhu and I really loved the tribute shirts the were so pretty!!!!!!! so apparently there were 5 stories in drama nite + encore drama & dance hahahahahhaa 1st story: Undercover?(I have no idea about the story line lol)?2nd : hungry games?(All the tributes were gonna attend the hungry games hahahahahaha and the main characters were alive (erika) troy (jansen) idk and idk but there was booberina (natasha) and George was acting as some love rival from troy the story was super cute and there were training scenes, the "thor booty" part it was so funny haahhahahaha and the blood bath was freakinf funny and cool bc hongkai had to kill me HULK POWER hahahaha and then it was super cute during the death march bc all of us were singing the ???? theme song huehheheeheh. after that those not moving props would go to the holding room to change into gameover costumes aka black everything then it would be intermission :Š) after intermission was murder by midnight then game over which was super cool many of the audience loved it they said it was well written. for game over I was acting as a victim so I didnÕt have to do anything but there was a $1 coin on stage that xinwei dropped that got into my way while I was on stage whatever but the best part was julia (xx) and junde (whatÕs his name in the show ah) hugging scene and stuff super cute but I loved the bully part where ys cj and Alicia "bullied" xinwei bc cute but yassss gameover was super good I was the prop mover like wow the panel was so damn heavy I couldnÕt even move properly when I carried it on stage ugh whatever but prop moving was fun too so yep heuheeueh last was California suite idk what it really was about but yes we had encore after that which was year 4 dramas and a dance with all the dancers huehuehue it was so fun. "ItÕs happening" and we danced to timber the dance steps were rather easy and fun especially when we went individually as a level to dance with the dance batchmates a d we ended off by thanking stage mangers teachers in charge ms fanny too aw I swear everyone was so hyper that night that everything was going fine. everyone gave ms fanny a hug after that. Almost cried on stage bc so happy drama nite was a success. Still remember even before the show started everyone was hyperventilating and stuff and scared it would fail ah but it was a success and many people who went enjoyed it so much I'm so glad xx oh yes and we had D carn in the morning didnt really go to all the booths but I guess it was rather fun walking around and seeing all the activities . The school even had this band thingy ooooooo how cool. anyway going back to the topic after eveything ended we went back to holding rooms and there were many people waiting for us already hahahaha took pictures with some of the classmates who went and quite happy a few of them went hahahaha? Mabel Chloe Enoch hm zechen shawn Eugene Jodie jiayin sam Lynn Zi Xin Heran yeps and the dancers were super nice they bought each and everyone of us flowers it was so damn good. Stayed around for a while to talk and 2E was freaking nice they shouted " tianci we love you" like damn touched even my class wouldn't do that for me hahahahaha and after that we went holding room (AEP room) and had de-brief it was such an overwhelming moment bc drama nite was a success and all that yeah . It was so HEArt warming for us whenever the audience laughed heheheh we trained hard worked hard for this and it's really wonderful to have a feeling of what drama nite is but I really don't want the year 4s to leave ugh ;( they really mean so much. But lastly all in all I wanna thank everyone who came it was a special night to remember!!!!!!!!!
EDS - English Drama Society? Dunman High Theatre Arts https://www.facebook.com/dhtheatrearts Performing Arts Centre Block F2 Level 3 2 stories high Fully Air conditioned Serves as a performance venue (Performances such as school concerts eg. "EDS Nite" by EDS ; Rhapsody of Spring ??????by CS ; "Spirit of Strings" by String Ensemble; "Rhythm XXII" by Symphonic Band Also used to hold events like DHRP Symposium Opening Holding Capacity: 800 people

SOURCE: http://unicornsarecutetoo.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/???-eds-nite-whats-nots/


Corvallis, Oregon
June 5, 7, 8, 2014
(dates for Murder by Midnight)
Spring One-Act Festival
An evening of student-directed one-act plays

Withycombe Hall
2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
June 4-6 at 7:30 p.m.
Jun 7 at 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
June 8 at 2:00 pm

Oregon State University Theatre's annual Spring One-Act Festival returns this June to the newly renovated Withycombe Hall Lab Theatre. This exciting line-up of ten student-directed one-act plays will be shown in two panels. The Panel A plays run June 4 and 6 at 7:30 pm and June 7 at 2:00 pm. Panel B will run Jun 5 and 7 at 7:30 pm and June 8 at 2:00 pm. The Withycombe Hall Lab Theatre is located at 30th and Campus Way, Corvallis, OR 97331.

Tickets for the 2014 One-Act Festival are:

General - $8
Senior- $6
Youth/Student- $5
OSU Student- $4

For tickets or more information contact the OSU Theatre Box Office at 541-737-2784 or visit us at http://liberalarts.oregonstate.edu/school-arts-and-communication/theatre

The One-Act Festival 2014 includes this exciting line-up:

Murder at Midnight
By Jeff Goode

Dick Piston is ten minutes away from wrapping up his last shift ever as Hotel Detective when a mysterious woman in a bath towel comes in crying fowl play. Will Dick be able to find out who the killer is, woo the dame, and have time to get some room service before the clock is up?

Director ............... Bryanna Rainwater

Dick Piston ............. J Garret Luna
Woman .............. Sarah Sutton
Bellhop ................ Kolby Baethke

The Merchandise King
By Clyde Hendrickson

A parody of Disney's The Lion King, evil uncle and all.

Director................. Teri Straley

Simba .................. Mike Stephens
Dad/Will .............. Kyle Stockdall
Scar/Walt ................ Erin Wallerstein
Lawyer/Pumba/Rafiki ............ Alex Toner
Rapper/Mom/Charles/Timon/Steve Erwin .... Annie Parham

The Problem
By A.R. Gurney Jr.

The Problem, by A. R. Gurney, is a comedy on the subject of the unbounded, amusing sexual fantasy life of a married couple in the late 1960's.

Director ................. Anna Mahaffey

Husband .............. Chris Peterman
Wife ...................Arin Dooley

The Sign By Stephen Bittrich

Two childhood friends who have grown apart reunite for the funeral of one's sister and reminisce about their younger years

Director ................ Joseph Workman

Timmy ................... Bryan Smith
Robert ................Thomas Nath

Check, Please
By Jonathan Rand

Check, Please follows a series of Blind dinner dates that can't get any worse until they do. Can our Romantic leads find love admits the chaos.

Director ................Deborah Shapiro

Guy .................. Joe Hill
Girl ...................Caitlin Riechmann
Linda ................. Renee Zipp
Louis/Tod ..................Brice Amarasinghe
Ken/Brandon ................. Mike Turner
Melanie/Pearl .............. Beth Kowal
Mark/Manny ................ Scott D. Shapton
Mary/Mimi ................... Sarah Koonse

Judgment Morning
By Robert Brome

On the morning of a funeral, a trio of siblings find themselves questioning who is truly being judged.

Director ................ Mark McIntyre

Claude .............. Reed Morris
Ella ............... Blair Bowmer
Bessie .............. Elise Barberis

Evanescence, or Shakespeare in the Alley
By Sam Shepard

A woman question's reality and existence after sudden changes in her life.

Director ................. Ricky Zipp

Woman ................. Sarah Clausen
Shakespeare ............... Bryan Smith

The Worker
By Walter Wykes

In a dystopian future, a man has to keep a secret from the government.

Director .................Troy Toyama

Woman ............ Mellissa Cozzi
Man ................ Kolby Baethke
Messenger ............. Joe Hill

The Lifeboat is Sinking
By Shel Silverstein

A couple play a game that quickly gets out of hand.

Directed by Sam Thompson
Jen .............. Elise Barberis
Sherwin ................ Alex Small

Heart of Hearing
By Joseph Zeccola

A "will they, won't they" relationship drama.

Director ............... Sam Zinsli

Josh ................ Alex Graham
Angie ................... Bria Love Robertson


http://www.dailybarometer.com/arts_and_entertainment/ OSUÕs Spring One-Act Festival Oregon State University Theatre ProgramÕs annual Spring One-Act Festival returns this June to the newly renovated Withycombe Hall lab theater. This exciting line-up of ten student-directed one-act plays will be shown in two panels. The Panel A plays run June 4 and 6 at 7:30 p.m. and June 7 at 2 p.m. Panel B will run June 5 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. and June 8 at 2 p.m. The 2014 One-Act Festival features an eclectic mix of comedy and drama directed by OSU TheatreÕs Advanced Directing students. Jeff GoodeÕs "Murder at Midnight," directed by Bryanna Rainwater is a clever, campy murder mystery featuring students J. Garrett Luna, Sarah Sutton and Kolby Baethke. "The Merchandise King" by Clyde Hendrickson, directed by Teri Straley, is a comic parody of DisneyÕs "The Lion King" featuring Mike Stephens, Kyle Stockdall, Erin Wallerstein, Alex Toner and Annie Parham. A.R. GurneyÕs comedy "The Problem," directed by Anna Mahaffey, features Chris Peterman and Arin Dooley as a married couple from the late 1960s. "The Sign" by Stephen Bittrich, directed by Joseph Workman, is the poignant story of two childhood friends reunited at a funeral, and features Bryan Smith and Thoman Nath. In Jonathan RandÕs "Check Please," directed by Deborah Shapiro, a series of blind dinner dates turn to comic chaos; it features Joe Hill, Caitlin Reichmann, Renee Zipp, Brice Amarasinghe, Mike Turner, Beth Kowal, Scott D. Shapton and Sarah Koonse. Robert BromeÕs "Judgment Morning," directed by Mark McIntyre, is the story of a trio of siblings facing judgment on the morning of a funeral. This drama features Reed Morris, Blair Bowmer and Elise Barberis. In Sam ShepardÕs "Evanescence, or Shakespeare in the Ally," directed by Ricky Zipp, a woman faces an existential crisis after sudden life changes, and features Sarah Clausen and Bryan Smith. Walter WykesÕ "The Worker," directed by Troy Toyama, portrays a dystopian future and a man with a secret featuring Melissa Cozzi, Kolby Baethke and Joe Hill. "The Lifeboat is Sinking," by Shel Silverstein, directed by Sam Thompson, is a quirky comedy about marriage and compromise featuring Elise Bareris and Alex Small. Joseph ZeccolaÕs "Heart of Hearing," directed by Sam Zinsli, is a classic "will they/wonÕt they" drama featuring Alex Graham and Bria Love Robertson. Tickets for the One-Act Festival are $8 for general admission, $6 for seniors, $5 for youths and students and $4 for OSU students, and are available for purchase at the box office in Withycombe Hall, over the phone by calling 541-737-2784, as well as online. The Withycombe Hall lab theater is located at the corner of 30th Street and Campus Way.

I am an undergraduate at Oregon State University currently studying Theatre and Directing. I am interested in directing Murder at Midnight for the Spring One Act Festival, but I would like to ask about the royalty fee first.

SOURCE: Bryanna Rose Rainwater email 3/15/14


Piliscsaba, Hungary
July 7-13, 2014
7 Plays in 7 Days

2087 Piliscsaba, Egyetem u. 1.

JULIE JENSEN: A barna cipő, Fordította: Borbély Julianna és Karászi Zsuzsanna

JULIANNE HOMOKAY: Esküvői történet, Fordította: Juhász Anna és Erényi Mónika

WALTER WYKES: A felesleges, Fordította: Szabó Alexandra Margit és Mogyorósi Zoltán

NICK ZAGONE: Most nem jut eszembe, Fordította: Paku Yvette és Tímár Anett

D. M. LARSON: A Halál vonattal jár, Fordította: Győrfi Réka és Kiss Erzsébet Janka

JEFF GOODE: Gyilkosság éjfél előtt, Fordította: Pete-Pikó Erzsébet és Barczi Tamás

ALEX BROUN: Elakadva, Fordította: Kustor Anita és Kovács Eszter

My name is Mónika Erényi, I am a literary translator from Hungary. According to my knowledge, in 2014 participants of the Drama Workshop called Ņ7 Plays in 7 DaysÓ organised by ēgnes Soml— in Piliscsaba, Hungary got in contact with you to ask for your permission for translating your play Murder by Midnight into Hungarian.

I am writing on behalf of ēgnes Soml— as the Workshop is undertaking an ambitious publishing endeavor. We would like to publish the Hungarian translations of the plays in an anthology that the participants of the Workshop (years: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016) have made.

At the beginning of 2017 we would like to gain a grant that would cover the expenses of the publication of the anthology, and in order to do that we have to submit the estimated expenses (including those of the copyrights of the original texts) and all the details of the publication (e.g. printed or electronic form).

In order to help fulfill our mission, the members of the Workshop hereby respectfully request the right to use the following material in accordance with the copyright law:

Murder by Midnight by Jeff Goode

to be able to publish the Hungarian translation of the play in an anthology.

It is still not decided if the anthology would be published in printed or electronic form, but if the members of the Workshop decide for the printed form, it would most probably be published by the press of Pˇter P‡zm‡ny Catholic University in a small number of copies (approximately 500, a maximum of 1000).

The Workshop therefore requests that you kindly grant rights and license for the Workshop to use your material in order to be able to publish the translation.

Because we are a nonprofit group, and because the anthology would be a university publication that is to be published in a really small number of copies (if printed), we would be truly grateful if you would charge a most favorable price for the copyright of your material.

If you agree to this request you represent and warrant that you are authorized to grant the rights referenced in this letter and that the material does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of anyone. If you do not control the necessary rights of the material, we would appreciate it if you would kindly indicate to whom we should apply for the requested permission.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,
M—nika Erˇnyi

refered to as: Erika HardieÕs Brown Cow Company by Mike Mariano (correct spelling Erika Hardi) from Pazmany University website: https://btk.ppke.hu/en/international-office/erasmus/about-the-university/campus-piliscsaba Independent, amateur groups Brown Cow Company (English language theatrical group)
201 4th July 13. PPKE, PILISCSABA Reading Theatre - seven one-act II. Drama Translation Workshop (Piliscsaba, 201 July 4 -1 7 3rd) The final form of the piece of the workshop the participants of the joint creative work arose (W erkesztette: Soml— ēgnes; Pete Elizabeth IKO-P) Below you can find a list of the items, but their performance is not necessarily in that order
page for the performance WITH PHOTOS: http://muforditas.bloglap.hu/cikkek/tiz-percnyi-dramak-mufordito-muhely-piliscsaban-56371/
Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder By Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#Piliscsaba"
Theatre = "Pázmány Péter Catholic University"
City = "Piliscsaba"; State = "Hungary"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Jul"; DayOpen = "7"; MonthClose = "Jul"; DayClose = "13"

SOURCE: email 11/2016 from M—nika Erˇnyi https://btk.ppke.hu/karunkrol/intezetek-tanszekek/angol-amerikai-intezet/hirek/beszamolok-a-ii-dramafordito-muhely-munkajarol


Corofin, County Clare, Ireland
August 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 2014
Summer Theatre
Tuesdays & Fridays @ 8:00
tickets are €10 (€5 for students.)

Corofin Dramatic Society
Corofin Youth Club
5 Nights of 1 Act Plays
Every Tuesday and Friday
from the
12th - 26th August 2014
Teach Ceoil, Corofin
Please come early as seating is limited
my name is Maura Clancy and I am a member of Corofin Dramatic Society, an amateur dramatic group in the West of Ireland (Co. Clare). We are very interested in staging a production of your "Murder By Midnight" this August. The plan is to run a night of drama each week for the month of August

Our venue has 50 seats, our ticket price is €10 with €5 for students.

SOURCE: clancy.maura@gmail.com


Houston, Texas
September 19 & 20, 2014
Wiess Tabletop Theater
Freshman One Acts

Wiess College
Upper Commons
Houston, TX 77005
One Acts occur in Wiess Commons during Parent's Weekend and are scheduled for:

Thursday, Friday & Saturday @ 8:00 p.m.

Welcome to Freshman One Acts!

One Acts are Wiessmen directed plays performed by Wiess freshman!

This year's list of directors are:

"Nude Scene": Matt Keene, Hadi Tabani, and Andie Eikenberg
"Swipe Right": Vicky Comesanas, Ryan Deal, and Mikail Khan
"Controlling Interest": Greg Harper, Josh Kaye, and Sam Gavenman
"Family 2.0": Ariana Morgan and Kyle Adams
"Murder by Midnight": Max Payton and Ben Laun
"Chocolate Affair": Kathy Wei, Yash Tarkunde, and Marlene Rizo
"A Noire": Molly Cisneros and Weston Novelli

Auditions for One Acts will occur in the Upper Commons on: Wednesday, August 27 from 7:00pm-9:00pm Thursday, August 28 from 7:00pm-9:00pm

One Acts occur in Wiess Commons during Parent's Weekend and are scheduled for:

8:00 p.m. Thursday, September 18, 2014 8:00 p.m. Friday, September 19, 2014 8:00 p.m. Saturday, September 20, 2014

My name is Morgen Smith, I'm one of the producers for Tabletop Theater. It's a college program at Rice University. We are interested in running Murder by Midnight in a nonprofessional setting. We are planning on two performances and charging $5 per person. The house size is about 50 people.
Tabletop Theater is one of Wiess's oldest and proudest traditions, as well as a consistent favorite of Residential College theater.

Tabletop's theatrical season generally consists of three shows. The first show is the Freshman One Acts, performed over Parent's Weekend. One Acts serve as an introduction to college theater for the freshman and consist of 6 or 7 shows directed by Wiessman. All other Wiess performances are open to all Rice students to direct, act, etc. There has traditionally been a play in the fall and a musical, which features a live orchestra, in the spring.

Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder By Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#Houston"
Theatre = "Rice University"
City = "Houston"; State = "TX"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Sep"; DayOpen = "19"; MonthClose = "Sep"; DayClose = "20"



Las Flores, California
October 23, 2014
Night of One Acts
Tesoro Theatre

1 Tesoro Creek Road
Las Flores, CA 92688
Thursday @ 6:30 p.m. - one night only!

Donut Holes in Orbit
Directed by Amanda Smith, Gillian Bailey and Courtney Vega

Mrs. Lee Sam Glaraga
Alice Hannah Moore
Eric Cameron Yazdani
Joey Jonathan Dailey

The Secret Origin of Mojo Man
Directed by Sydney Jarvis, Maddie Schwartz and Hannah Esquenazi

Mickey Tyler Munro
Vick Alexander Trevisan
Bree Rachel Hemstreet

Murder by Midnight
Directed by Auva Abedini, Luke Konopasky, and Trevor Perez

Dick Piston Alexander Trevisan
Mrs. Guy (Woman) Kate Hitchcock
Bellhop Joey Guerra
Maid Kelly Connell

Please Have a Seat
Directed by Claudia Mansoory, Tayte Johnson, and Abrianna Orbaker

David Connor Vera
Sue Julia Pacific
Therapist Catherine Gahs

The Battle of Bull Run
Directed by Kaylee Zimmerman, Kylie Quick, and Delaney Moeller

Donna Razzan Rizk
Linda Kira Dawson
Patrick Trevor Perez
Amy Caroline Dailey

Smoke Scenes
Directed by Maddie Stowe, Alli Berger, and Jonathan Dailey

John Tyler Munro
Marsha Kristiana Mestakides

Check Please!
Directed by Adam Robinson, Sean Hefner, and Angela LaRue

Guy Connor Vera
Girl Winter Little
Mimi Sarah Salama
Pearl Rita Konopasky
Mary Madison Elliot
Melanie Yassmin Martha
Every Other Guy Joey Guerra

He Said, She Said
Directed by Sara MacKenzie, Lexi Ginn, Madison McCormick and Natalie Satarzadeh

Diana Megan Kerrigan Mrs. Packard Angel Robbson Felix Joe Uribe Enid Juli Nazzario

Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder by Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#LasFlores"
Theatre = "Tesoro High School"
City = "Las Flores"; State = "CA"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Oct"; DayOpen = "23"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""



Twin Falls, Idaho
November 11-15, 2014
Dessert Theatre

John Roper Auditorium 1615 Filer Ave E
Twin Falls, ID 83301

Competition Selections & Confections


(with JC Leishman & Gabby Lutz)

DRAMA AWARDS Our annual BHP DRAMA AWARDS are held and given at the close of each year to honor the work and fun we have had during the season. All awards are first nominated by students then voted on by students, faculty, administration, audience members and BHP members. WORST AD-LIB 2014/15 - Gabby Lutz, JC Leishman / ŅAh, what? Um, IÕm confused.Ó ŅYou should be.Ó - Murder By Midnight (DT) DT is probably their annual Dessert Theatre TFHS Drama Dept aka Bruin High Players https://www.facebook.com/bruinhighplayers/ Gabby Lutz: https://www.facebook.com/gabrielle.l.lutz JC Leishman https://www.facebook.com/jc.leishman.1 DESSERT THEATER Our annual fundraising showcase of scenes chosen and directed by students for IHSAA sponsored district and state competitions. Scenes include humorous & serious selections in classical & modern texts, original student scripts, and musical theatre. Guests are also treated with desserts made my our own Drama Mamas and loved ones. Approximately 130 Seats available per performance. Limited seating. Early arrival recommended. Scenes may contain mild expletives, mature themes and humor that may not be suitable for all audiences. Children under 12 and conservatives cautioned. https://www.facebook.com/bruinhighplayers/?hc_ref=ARQ39kj64FUB4IqOcFuHqt1lr-8L_Kc2G2fckBsy4ILjUVixjjZ8Y0hFYL3uL0jN864
Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder By Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#TwinFalls"
Theatre = "Twin Falls High School"
City = "Twin Falls"; State = "ID"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "11"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "15"

SOURCE: http://www.bruinhighplayers.org/drama-awards The all time list of Bruin High Players drama awards winner for Worst Ad-Lib 2014/15 - Gabby Lutz / JC Leishman ŅAh, what? Um, IÕm confused.Ó ŅYou should be.Ó - Murder By Midnight (DT)


Sherman, Texas
November 20 & 21, 2014

900 N Grand Suite
Sherman, TX 75090
Thursday & Friday

I would like to request Production Rights for the following Play:
Murder By Midnight a 10-minute mystery by Jeff Goode
Performed by non paid actors
Performed at Academic College Theatre
Number of Performances - 2
Date of Performances - November 20 & 21, 2014
Ticket Price - Free
Number of Seats Available - 200
Thank you.

Communication, Media, & Theatre
Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder by Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#Sherman"
Theatre = "Austin College"
City = "Sherman"; State = "TX"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "20"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "21"

SOURCE: email from sec'y of Austin College dept of Communication, Media & Theatre 11/5/14


Cincinnati, Ohio
November 21, 2014
DAFT Acts Out: A Variety Show
Rohs Street Cafe
245 W McMillan St
Cincinnati, OH 45219

Rohs Street Cafe is located in University Christian Church at the corner of McMillan and Rohs Streets.

Friday @ 7:30 p.m. - one night only!

Daft Acts Out is a variety show that will feature the talents of many UC students. We'll perform a variety of short one acts, songs, and dances. The performance will take place on November 21st at Rohs Street Cafe at 7:30pm. This show is FREE, but donations are welcome. As for parking- there is a lot (USquare) that is available for parking- it's $5 and a short distance from Rohs. Otherwise, on-street parking is most likely available.

Cast List:

A Work in Progress- directed and written by Jake Grieco:
Mint: Emma Seymour
Fig: Marc Rankin
Joseph: Evan Verrilli
Dorothy: Cat Hamm

Check Please:
Scene 2- directed by August O'Toole
Melanie Smith & J.P. Brunemann
Scene 3- directed by Melanie Smith
Collin Hoagland & Emma Seymour
Scene 4- directed by August O'Toole
Meghann Hubbard & Zebulan Black
Scene 5- directed by Kiya Fix
Jacob Berry & Anna Kler
Scene 6- directed by Melanie Smith
William Bowman & Kaitlin Otto
Scene 8- directed by August O'Toole
Jacob Berry & Katie Tkacz
Scene 9- directed by Jake Grieco
Christopher Kuhn, Caily Kupka, J.P. Bruneman & Cat Hamm
Scene 10- directed by Ceara Glenn
Robert Ljungren & Annie Denlinger

Murder by Midnight- directed by Melanie Smith
Dick Piston: Nick Godfrey
Woman: Rachel Brown
Bellhop: Jacob Berry

The Hysterical History of the Trojan War- directed by Kiya Fix
Cassandra: Katie Tkacz
Helen: Caily Kupka
Paris: Evan Verrilli
Apollo: William Bowman
Odysseus: Zebulan Black
Achilles: Nick Godfrey
Athena: Sydney Vollmer
Hector: Robert Ljungren
Zeus: Christopher Kuhn
Guard: Michelle Hamad
Hera: Meghann Hubbard
Patroclus: Annie Denlinger
Ajax: Kaitlin Otto
Agamemnon: Alice Depoe
Menelaus: Marc Rankin
Poseidon: August O'Toole
Homer: Melanie Smith
Homerettes: Rachel Brown, Anna Kler

Goin' Back to Hogwarts- from A Very Potter Musical
Harry: William Bowman
Ron: J.P. Bruneman
Hermione: Kaitlin Otto
Ginny: Sydney Vollmer
Cho Chang: Rachel Brown
Lavender Brown: Katie Tkacz
Luna Lovegood: Meghann Hubbard
Cedric Diggory: Ben Hunt
Crabbe: Michelle Hamad
Goyle: Jacob Berry
Draco Malfoy: Kiya Fix
Albus Dumbledoor: Nick Godfrey
Neville Longbottom: August O'Toole

Hello Mr. Goode, My name is Melanie Smith and I am an executive member of a theater club on the University of Cincinnati's campus called DAFT (Dramatic Arts for Thesbians). Every year we put on a black box theater production called DAFT Acts Out involving several short plays. We would love to put on "Murder by Midnight" as part of our show and I am emailing to inquire as to how much it would be for the rights. It would be a one night, nonprofessional performance with a projected audience of around 150 people. The ticket price would be free. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Melanie Smith
Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder by Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#Cincinnati"
Theatre = "DAFT (Dramatic Arts for Thespians)"
City = "Cincinnati"; State = "OH"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "21"; MonthClose = ""; DayClose = ""



Monmouth, Illinois
November 22-23, 2014
Directors' Showcase: One Act Plays
Student Directors of THEA 377 Class
Wells Theater

700 East Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462
Saturday & Sunday @ 7:30 p.m.

Murder by Midnight
Directed by Nick Sargis

Chris Dilworth
Amanda Bowman
Jake McLean

November 22-23, 2014 Directors' Showcase: One Act Plays Student Directors of THEA 377 Class 7:30 PM, Saturday, Sunday A Casket Man directed by Anthony Occhipinti David Edge Zach Platt Murder by Midnight directed by Nick Sargis Chris Dilworth Amanda Bowman Jake McLean But Where Would They Live? directed by Liz Johnson Trent Markland Kelsi Ford Still directed by Haylee Gustafson Kelsi Ford Curtis Galloway I Love you Terribly directed by Natalie Stortoni Bota Yergaliyeva Haley Willits Fair Shake directed by Jill Turley Samuel Dummer David Edge The Last Love Song on Earth directed by Johnny Williams Galen Hughes Trent Markland The Proper Execution of the Playwright Mr. William Shakespeare by Camilla Maxwell directed by Bill Armonda Curtis Galloway Claudio Flores Killer Script directed by Adam Duffield Zach Platt Gavin Bogan Jessica Simmons Mel Aeskett Wells Theater
Dear Jeff Goode, My name is Nick Sargis, and I am a senior Theatre Major at Monmouth College, in Monmouth Illinois. I am currently enrolled in a directing class, which requires a final ten minute directing project. While researching and reading a multitude of different ten minute pieces, I came across one you personally wrote, "Murder By Midnight". I am very interested in directing your piece. Thanks Again Cheers -NS
Show = "dphd dp_10min"; Title = "Murder by Midnight"
Featuring = ""
Link = "pndphd14.htm#Monmouth"
Theatre = "Monmouth College"
City = "Monmouth"; State = "IL"
YearOpen = "2014"; MonthOpen = "Nov"; DayOpen = "22"; MonthClose = "Nov"; DayClose = "23"