[] [Production History]

Upland, California
October 22 - November 21, 2010

276 E 9th St.

Fridays & Saturdays at 7:29 p.m.
Sundays at 2:00 p.m.
(no performance on November 6th)

Directed by Jeremy Aldridge
Choreography by Allison Bibicoff
Produced by Brian Wallis and At the Grove Productions

DOC - Doug Gochman
LUCINDA - Wendi Ann Hammock
ELDRIDGE - Brendan Hunt
PATSY - Courtney DeCosky
RODDY - Richard Levinson

    Rachel Howe
    Ceasar Barajas
    Robert Jackson
    Kerri Lisiak
    Jo Michaels
    Greg Moon
    Natasha Norman
    Gina Tucci
    Cat Yurkovich
DOC u/s - Eugene Collins
ELDRIDGE u/s - Vil Towers
PATSY u/s - Christen Dugger