(On the occasion of the Second Presidential Debate October 16, 2012)
Business Bad / Business Good I understand the thinking that someone who is good at business might be good with the economy. I am baffled by the thinking that says Romney is that person. Romney's biggest business credential is Bain Capital - an investment group that buys up struggling companies and then either fixes them or guts them - whichever is more profitable. Mitt Romney has no real incentive to fix the US economy, because he comes from a background that doesn't see that as a bad thing! The worse the economy - the more struggling companies to choose from - the greater the opportunity for savvy investors to profit on the backs of floundering industry. But the job of President is not to cherry pick a handful of corporations that deserve to be saved and throw the rest of us under a bus. Outsourcing... offshoring... banking in the Caymans... These are all brilliant strategies for improving the lot of one individual businessman, but they are disastrous if the goal is to benefit the American economy as a whole. The challenge of the Presidency is to find solutions that benefit all Americans. From the executive suite to the factory floor. And this is something that Mitt Romney is uniquely unqualified to do.
"Business Bad / Business Good"
by Jeff Goode, copyright © 2012