The Hilo Community Players (HCP) were formed in 1938 in order to bring quality theatre experiences to the citizens of East Hawaii and the entire Big Island. Through the presentation of amateur and professional theatre, youth theatre and various special events, the Hilo Community Players strive to organize, promote and conduct an inspirational, engaging program of quality dramatic throughout the year. This well-established program offers multiple opportunities for community members to participate as actors, directors and technicians during the diverse, year round schedule. The Players are also dedicated to providing quality educational opportunities of a theatrical nature, especially to the youth of the community. The theatrical experience, either performance or educational, provides many recognized benefits to its participants who not only receive training in a specialized art form, but who are also encouraged to understand themselves and others better through the taking of roles and who are given practice communicating and working as a group. Those who have access to the theatre gain skills (while having fun) whose applicability extends far beyond the stage.
The Hilo Community Players have been an officially recognized non-profit organization since 1978. HCP recognizes the desire among its patrons and supporters to make both educational and performance orientated theatrical experiences available to the people of East Hawaii, and they have been a consistent provider of these experiences to the general public for over sixty years.