Molly of Denali

Molly of Denali is an animated television series created and produced by Atomic Cartoons and WGBH Kids for PBS Kids and CBC Television. Premiering sometime in 2019, the series will be the first ever nationally distributed children's show to feature an Alaska Native as the main character and protagonist.

Episode 130:
"Molly Mabray and the Mystery Stones"
written by Jeff Goode
Episode 138:
"The Shortest Birthday"
written by Jeff Goode
Series premiere:
July 15, 2019
on PBS Kids
Series premiere:
July 15, 2019
on PBS Kids
Episode 130:
"Molly Mabray and the Mystery Stones"
written by Jeff Goode
Episode 138:
"The Shortest Birthday"
written by Jeff Goode